Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kill the Ground Zero Mosque

At the National Republican Trust:
With your help, and those like you, we will enact an overwhelmingly aggressive campaign to “Kill the Ground Zero Mosque.” We will not rest until the plans for this mosque are burned, smoking, and buried…like the twisted metal of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers themselves, after the terrorist attack that killed so many of our fellow Americans at Ground Zero.

And this was too hot for CBS News? "Or so the the Republican Trust was told by media honchos."

Hat Tip: Big Peace.


The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Sorry Donald, but I am NOT ok with the National Republican Trust ad. It is nothing short of religious bigotry and a win-win for the global jihad movement.

Wish I had time to go into more details on how I've arrived at this position, but right now, I don't have the patience. Just a lot of anger at the conservative blogosphere.

AmPowerBlog said...

I'd like to see more of your views, actually, Wordsmith.

Anonymous said...

And as far as I am concerned , you can keep it to yourself. Islam uses its religious aspect as a shield while flexing its political aspect, constantly striving to force sharia law on the world. After 9/11, as a country we did nothing to muslims or any of their mosques. As an expression of American ideals, considering what they did, that's enough. We are well within our rights to say NO to that giant mosque being built right there, so close to the site of their greatest act of war against us on our soil. They disrespect America and the feelings of the families of 9/11.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...


You're exactly the Islamophobe-type who needs to hear it.

Will be working on a post, Donald.