Saturday, August 18, 2012

Toronto's al-Quds Day Hate Fest

Virtually the entire radical-left hate campaign is built on lies, and stupidity

Anti-Israel Protest
At Blazing Cat Fur, "Racial "'Superamacy'."

And "Al Duds Day In Toronto."

Plus, at Dodo Can Spell, "Grassroots protest by real Canadians at Toronto's Hate Fest also known as Al Quds day .... part I."

Plus, "Grassroots protest by real Canadians at Toronto's Hate Fest also known as Al Quds day .... part II, and "Grassroots protest by real Canadians at Toronto's Hate Fest also known as Al Quds day .... part III."

At least Dodo indeed can spell.

And previously, "BDS: More Than Just a Boycott":
The BDS campaign is cast in rights-based, non-violent and tolerant terms that are smooth and soothing to Western ears; this is why secular bodies such as trade unions have embraced the campaign. So too, as might be expected of religious bodies that thrive on victimology, has the National Council of Churches in Australia.

Yet behind the rhetoric, the BDS objectives disclose a darker purpose: to damage and delegitimise the Jewish state by questioning the basis of its creation and its continued existence as a liberal democracy.
SOURCE: Peter Kurti at the Australian, "Anti-Israel campaign is more than just a boycott."