Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Crazed British Leftist Tries to Place Former Prime Minister Tony Blair Under Citizen's Arrest

This dolt was emboldened to attempt a citizen's arrest on Tony Blair by this stupid website called "Arrest Blair." The charge? "Crimes against peace." Yep. That's it. Reminds me of something my old stalker Repsac3 would be all about. Peace, love and all that. Imagine.

At London's Daily Mail, "Cheeky barman tried to put Tony Blair under a citizen's arrest for 'crimes against peace' while the former Prime Minister dined with his family in a trendy east London restaurant."

Also at Independent UK, "The day I tried (and failed) to arrest Tony Blair for war crimes: An encounter between the former Prime Minister and Shoreditch barman Twiggy Garcia."

Idiots. Bleedin' idiots.