Saturday, February 7, 2015

'The Years of Persecution 1933-1939'

I picked up Saul Friedlander's, Nazi Germany and the Jews: Volume 1: The Years of Persecution 1933-1939, back in 1998, or thereabouts.

I was working on my dissertation at the time, so I don't think I read it cover-to-cover. But for some reason, I picked it up again last weekend and started reading, and kept on going. I finished it up early this morning.

I've got a couple of other books in progress, but I'm going to dive back into Volume II as well, Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945: The Years of Extermination.

The spring semester starts up next week at my college, however, so I doubt I'm be able to fully rip through this time, cover-to-cover. But we'll see.

It's been a great, long and relaxing winter break. I've done a lot of reading. If feels like an accomplishment.