Wednesday, July 1, 2015

TV Land Yanks 'Dukes of Hazzard'

Hey, America's still "The Land of the Free," right?

Well, maybe not.

At Variety, "TV Land Yanks ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Amid Confederate Flag Backlash."

And at AceofSpadesHQ, "Viacom Removes "The Dukes of Hazzard" Reruns from TVLand Schedule, Because Urge to Purge":


Some time ago, Bill Quick attacked me, claiming, wrongly, that I was inconsistent to support a baker's right to not make a gay wedding cake when of course I would be fighting, racistly angry about a Muslim who insisted on Islamic dress codes in his own store.

I am republishing this essay because it's directly on-point.

America is in a dark chapter of its existence -- we have faced worse external threats, but not worse internal threats.

The threat now comes from within.

There are those who are insistent that we shall all have the same bland gray vanilla corporate non-culture culture, and that we shall all bow to the strange gods of the left.

As Andrew Breitbart once said:

Fuck you. War.

Below, my essay on what America is, and what is not, and how cowards, idiots, weaklings, and cuckolds want to turn America into a dark perversion of itself...
Continue reading.