Friday, January 2, 2009

Supporting Obama (Grudgingly) is About America Winning

Dan Nexon just about flipped his lid when I wrote my election night (meltdown) post on Barack Obama's eminently dishonest victory on November 4th. Since then I've repeatedly stated that while I couldn't disagree more with Barack Obama and the far-left agenda that he represents (or that'll he'll implement via his cabinet appointees and his extreme left legislative agenda), I will nevertheless support Barack Obama as my president AND in time of emergency I would not hesitate to serve my country while a Democratic administration resides in Washington.

A lot of conservatives aren't going to accept Obama under any circumstances, considering his surreptitious campaign, his history of radical training, ideology, and activism, and the media and popular personality cult that's metastasized around him. Having said all this, I have to agree with
Nikki's post on the need to support the Democratic administration come January 20th:

I WANT MY COUNTRY TO SUCCEED, under this administration and any other. Its not about my party being in power or my agenda winning, its about America winning. Strange concept isn't it? Americans winning regardless of who is in power. A President is not like your favorite sports team. You should never cheer for the failure of any sitting President as you have done with this one. I am officially the opposite of a democrat ... objective and fair. I will not rip for the sake of ripping. I will give honest and well-researched opinion even if it means I am a RINO to my cohorts. Few are the courageous who speak without caring what their own colleagues will think and dems are squeamish little pansies when it comes to truth. The opposite of policy will not be mine. My opinions are not written to win friends and influence people. Its what I think ... you can tell me where I am wrong, which I rarely am ... HA! So take it up the shoot like a colonoscopy dems, you are now accountable. I hope you can take the heat, at least my heat will be honest and not out of derangement. MWAH!

I know a lot of my readers cringe at the thought of supporting this administration (and I can think of a few who are "not so courageous"), but Nikki's right: We will support the government of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, even if for all intents and purposes we'll have a facsimile of such at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

God bless this country, now and for eternity.


The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Great comment by Nikki!

I've been pilloried for my "civility" and attempts at putting country first over partisanship. I don't mind criticizing Obama and express political differences; but he's not even president yet and I will not do to him what the left have done to Bush, fabricating and overexaggerating every political sleight and trespass.

I can acknowledge the fact that his glass-ceiling break has significant meaning to so many of my fellow citizens, even as I didn't need to see that glass ceiling shattered, as I already moved beyond being bogged by concerns over skin color.

Unknown said...

Dear 'Associate Professor' -- what podunk community college do you teach at anyway? It's clear from a glance at your blog that you don't have the intellect to be a 'professor' of anything. You're just a loudmouth Limbaugh wannabe. Or is that what passes for intellect in Orange County?

Average American said...

AAAHH, another bleeding heart crawls out from under the rockpile. I'm glad my blog is not such a leftard magnet as yours Donald. I'll try to keep positive as concerns NObama, but that will take a lot of effort.

Unknown said...

"Bleeding heart", "leftard", "Nobama". What would you all do without your clever epithets?

Anonymous said...

You can go on about BDS. But, the left was willing to support George Bush to a much greater extent than you folks seem to be willing to support Barack Obama. This despite what we saw as an arguably stolen election, a man who as governor oversaw beaucoup executions (even mocking Karla Faye Tucker) and the elevation of a man who would have come nowhere near the office without the name George Bush. His whole career has been a sudy in nepotism.

After 9/11, he had the support of 91% of the country. That obviously includes a lot of libtards. It was only after he invaded a country based on manufactured intel and threw the Geneva conventions in the garbage that public opinion really turned. Then there was the indifferent response to New Orleans.

How about you quit whining until you actually have something to complain about? Obama doesn't even take office for another 2 and a half weeks.

Rita Loca said...

I love my country too much not to hope an support where I am able, even an Obama administration.
My prayers are that we experience as little harm as possible under his leadership. Most Americans want to support our President even when we disagree with him, out of honor of the presidency itself.

Anonymous said...

Dr. D, I realize that your post was directing folks to support Obama. Though, it had the sound of a back-handed compliment. My comment was more directed at your commenters who use such clever epithets as NObama and libtard.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

We weren't rooting against President Bush Professor. We were rooting for him to do something right. Our hopes were constantly crushed. The best thing he can do now is nothing lest he screw something else up.

Greywolfe said...

"but Nikki's right: We will support the government of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

I have to correct something here. We should be supporting two things. First is our fellow Americans in any way we can to support their freedoms. And second, is the Constitution of the United States. No President, Senator, Representative, or Supreme Court Judge is more worthy than that document of the blood spilled by Americans, past and present.

Nearly every proposal that Barry has come up with will result in a net loss when the tally books judge freedom's progress. So for that I oppose him. I oppose him in any way that doesn't conflict with our founders' vision of this nation.

The current government be damned. I fight for a return to a constitutionally governed United States. We do not have that now. Until we do, America will not win. It won't be possible.

No Sheeples Here! said...


The feeling of betrayal is still very raw with many of your readers. The title of your post included the word grudgingly in parentheses. Perhaps many missed that.

I concur with Greywolfe’s assessment. I will add, however, that Obama will be the 44th President of the United States in spite of our disdain for this snake oil salesman. He faces, right along with every one of us, a world that has lost its way.

For the sake of a nation in peril, we must stand guard over liberty and fight for an immediate return to a constitutionally governed United States.

Anonymous said...

First is our fellow Americans in any way we can to support their freedoms. And second, is the Constitution of the United States.

Does that include their right to not have their phone conversations, e-mail and snail mail monitored without a court order? But, since you didn't mind George Bush doing it, it occurs to me that some of you folks may be potential domestic terrorists. AA, in particular.

AmPowerBlog said...

I think we're on the same wavelength Wordsmith.

Thanks for commenting!

AmPowerBlog said...

Average American: It will take a lot of work. But I think conservatives are better than lefties, as you can tell by the coment above yours.

AmPowerBlog said...

"But, the left was willing to support George Bush to a much greater extent than you folks seem to be willing to support Barack Obama."

That's revisionism or a bad case o amnesia. The protest against this administration began during the Florida recount in 2000, and folks starting blaming the U.S. for "imperialism" almost as soon as the planes hit the WTC.

Not buying it DLB.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for visiting, Jungle Mom! Your comments are beautifully expressed and well taken.


AmPowerBlog said...

Truth101: If the right demonizes Obama as nearly half as much as the left's demonized Bush, I'll be surprised.

AmPowerBlog said...

Greywolfe: If you support the Constitution, by implication you're supporting the president. He's sworn to uphold it. I'm going with Nikki's sentiments. I will oppose Obama with all of my might, but then I'll support him and pray he does what's right for the American people.

AmPowerBlog said...

"For the sake of a nation in peril, we must stand guard over liberty and fight for an immediate return to a constitutionally governed United States."

That's beautifully said, No Sheeples.

Thanks for visiting!

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

When we want communism to succeed in America - that's wanting to help our enemies slit our own throats.

I want the Constitution to succeed.

To hell with Obama.


Unknown said...

Just stopped by ~ I'm looking forward to keeping up with your blog.

Anonymous said...

On being the Loyal Opposition.

AmPowerBlog said...

Hi Laura (Grace Explosion). Thanks for commenting!

AmPowerBlog said...

Hi Grace: Welcome to American Power!

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Dana (Common Sense Political Thought). Nice essay, and you make a good point about waiting to see how Obama does in office!

Greywolfe said...

DD, I do support the constitution. That does not mean I have to support the president when I have every indication that he will start off his first hundred days by trying very hard to subvert it. If he doesn't, then you won't hear a peep out of me. I'll be very happy if he goes down in history as the biggest do-nothing president in history. Or if he happens to hit his head in a basketball game and wakes up conservative. Head injuries can cause radical personality changes, they tell me. So there's always hope.

deranged leftwing baker... I was going to beat you about the head and shoulders for being a retarded ass, but your name already does that. Why don't you bitch about the FBI files that the Clinton's had illegally. Or how about the people that asked questions that Bill didn't like and ended up in Secret Service custody? I'll bet a dime to a doughnut that you never said boo about it when your guy was actually committing these abuses on Americans. The patriot act, however, has never had one law suit against it for a violation of an American's rights, but has stopped several attempts at terrorist attacks on our soil. Guess you'd just as soon your camel jockey buds had been successful.

AmPowerBlog said...

Greywolfe: I think we're coming around to a consensus on supporting or not supporting Obama. We're just phrasing things a little differently.

El Viajero said...

Wow...if a neo-con can write this there might even be hope for the Limbaughs, the Hannitys, the Coulters and most of the other Neanderthals who have spent the last eight years trying to excuse neo-conservatism and its demonstrably horrendous results. Hope springs eternal and I would love to welcome all of you to the real world.

Righty64 said...

Here is the thing. I have RAKED President Bush, who I have and do support, over the coals for bad decisions he has made. Especially in the last two years. And over the financial services meltdown. But it is not just criticsm that we have to do. Offer solutions. While I have been very dismayed by many of President Bush's decisions recently, I have tried to offer solutions. So, I will not just critize President Obama on any given issue. I will offer what I hope to be common sense solutions. I really do not hate President-elect Obama the way that the left has hated President Bush. When he does or says something right, I want to be able to say a way to go! He will be MY president! It is a challenge for us conservatives to do but we can meet that challenge. Because as of 9:01am (Pacific time), January 20, 2009, it will all be on President Obama's shoulders. He will have to govern. And that is easier said than done.

El Viajero said...

I think it is fair to say that both fringes, left and right, are populated by people who can't see beyond their dogma. Their comments tend to be sarcastic and hateful, mostly, I think, because they can't bring much substance to the discussion. Reasonable people tend toward the middle ground and they are the ones we can thank when democracy works. We can also thank them for the civil tone they seem to prefer when discussing the best way forward.

AmPowerBlog said...

El what's your name: You're obviously an Obama cultist, and clueless to boot. Why do you even come here, to my blog, one of the last few bastions of moral clarity online?

JBW said...

Don, seriously dude: unclench and practice a little humility. "One of the last few bastions of moral clarity online"? Really? As I've said before in your defense, you're obviously not a dumb guy but comments like that make you look like a world-class douche bag.

I'm sure I do the same from time to time back at my place but I can usually blame it on an abundance of alcohol: do the same this time and I'll cut you some slack. If not: this guy was lauding the benefits of moderation and civility; try not to be King Dick on your own site, all right chief?

I'm not kidding: check yourself.

El Viajero said...

I deeply appreciate you helping me make my point but don't blow a gasket on my behalf. You have eight years to decompress. Take it easy.

El Viajero said...

...besides, even we Obama cultists have to reboot our moral clarity from time to time.

Anonymous said...
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