Friday, June 12, 2009

Sarah Palin on Today: David Letterman "Crossed The Line" (VIDEO)

Check the awesome Sarah Palin interview with Matt Lauer on NBC's Today show:

She hammers the leftist double-standard whereby Barack Obama's family is off-limits, but her 14 year-old girl is fair game for late-night comedians: But hey, "It's not cool and it's not funny ..."

Even NOW has condemned the degradation. Allahpundit says, you know, "credit where credit's due." But Michelle says:

NOW finally spoke up — but not without taking a holier-than-thou potshot of its own. I suggest they all review the Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse before wagging their tired old fingers again and lecturing us “inauthentic” women about not doing enough to combat sexism.

More at Memeorandum.

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