Friday, June 12, 2009

Thoughts on Our Civil War

As regular readers well know, it's my personal belief that radical left-wing ideology is the greatest threat to the country today. Leftist radicalism and demonology is manifested not just in the corrosive political discourse of the online fever swamps, but on television with the likes of David Letterman and Keith Olbermann. Most importantly, radical postmodernism has reached the apex of power, with President Barack Obama's post-structural presidency. In general, the present danger from the left isn't the potential for violence or rebellion, it's the slow erosion of right and wrong in politics, and the steady weakening of America's exceptionalism and moral resolve in the face of domestic and international crises. The United States will be just another nation, if the leftists have their way. Excellence will be prohibited. Everyone will be "equal." No foreign nations will threaten us, and in time the U.S. will go the way of all other great hegemonic powers.

That said, I do not discount the immediate crisis of violent political extremism. People are being killed. It's not good, obviously. But what's especially dangerous is the political opportunism that comes even before the blood is dry and the facts are known, and in recent weeks
that despicable opportunism's been the bailiwick of the left.

I know what folks will say: "Both sides do it ... [insert extremist right-wing counter-example here]." Thus all of us are left to retreat back into the insular comfort-zone of our own partisan cocoon.

It's understandable. But in my opinion, in the context of the Holocaust Museum shooting, leftist commentators have refused to look at the facts. The most important essay written this last few days is Ben Johnson's, "
Holocaust Museum Shooter: Christian-Hating Socialist." James von Brunn is in no way representative of today's conservative right, and blaming Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and other conservative talking heads for the violence only feeds the divisiveness.

But readers can hash it out for themselves. Leftists are so invested in finding evil in the conservative movement that no amount of factual analysis will dislodge them from their "
eliminationist" mindset. And I'll make no bones about it: Some of those mucking in the hate are generally evil in my estimation.

With that, let's look at a few recent commentaries trying to provide some perspective on all of this.

Here's Jeffrey Goldberg, via Memeorandum, writing on
Judith Warner's idiocy. Goldberg campares the Holocaust Memorial attack to the killing of Private William Long:

The attacks in Arkansas and Washington are both manifestations of a radical type of intolerance, and they are linked in very deep ways. The left, generally speaking, doesn't want to acknowledge Muslim intolerance, and the right, generally speaking, doesn't want to acknowledge white, Christian intolerance. But they both exist, and they should both be acknowledged.
Okay, here's John Hinderaker's effort at calmness:
Various media sources are referring to von Brunn as a "right wing" murderer, more or less as they refer to people like us as "right wingers." This is a dubious characterization, to say the least: anti-Semitism is overwhelmingly a phenomenon of the Left in today's world, and Leon Wolf, at RedState, points out that Mr. von Brunn's political views are typical of those commonly expressed at the Daily Kos. No surprise there.

So is the Daily Kos to blame for von Brunn's insane murder? Earlier today I got an email with a link to an article claiming that Barack Obama is to blame, since Obama has legitimized hatred of Israel. Is that fair?

I don't think so. As hateful and misguided as many liberals may be, if they aren't actually advocating violence (like Randi Rhodes, say) they shouldn't be blamed if a lone nut takes their ideology to the extreme. Vigorous political debate is legal--as is bigotry, for that matter; murder is not. That's a very bright line, and all that needs to be said on the subject. Who is to blame for murder? The murderer.
Also, here's my friend Daniel Nexon's post, "Some Thoughts on the American Politics Topic du Jour":
There's no substantive difference between the attempts by right-wingers to define Nazism as a phenomena of the left and Marxist attempts to define Soviet Socialism as "state capitalism."

Anyway, I think the speed with which the right-wing blogsphere has
circled the wagons over the shooting at the Holocaust museum speaks for itself.

It should be patently obvious that any disagreements your typical conservatives have with someone like Von Brunn are far more important than relative location on a one-dimensional political spectrum.
You see, everyone's got their spin, even if they're in roughly the same neighborhood.

But one more point: No matter how one situates themselves on this debate (the left's more awful than the right, blah, blah ...), I don't think there should be much debate that the mass media and the Democratic establishment are working in tandem with the fever-swamp radicals to exploit the violence for sheer partisan advantage. Explicitly or implicitly, the result is the same: The murder of George Tiller, for example, is a national calamity, while the death of Private Long was largely swept under the rug.

For more on this, see Victory Davis Hanson, "David Letterman, Rev. Wright, and Thoughts on a Creepy Culture."

See also, Frugal CafĂ© Blog Zone, "Obama Quick to Decry Abortionist’s Murder… Why Is He Still Mute on Soldier’s Murder by Black Muslim Terrorist?."


  1. "As regular readers well know, it's my personal belief that radical left-wing ideology is the greatest threat to the country today."

    What a tremendous and truthful opening volley!


    If the left would only read our Constitution all of their "issues" would vanish nearly over night.

  2. evil, vindictive lying futz if there ever was one.

  3. He's evil, Mark. Thanks for commenting.

  4. I have read several milquetoast essays today decrying the fact the Brunn was in fact a leftist so now the spin is "why can't we all get along?". The emphasis was, there's nothing to see. Move along.

    Facts are hard to find. The murderers today are in fact the murderers of today no matter their political slants. However, as long as the leftists try to blame their opposition for what they themselves perpetrate, they need to be exposed at every level.

    This frightens them into the "let's get along with each other". There are some on this planet that don't want to "get along" with anyone unless that particular "anyone" agrees with them or at least is silenced into submission.

    Having fought the Jihadi and coming home to fight their enablers here at home, I don't see any differences between your basic anti-Americanist leftist of the viral infection of Jihadi.

    Until we can re-educate the masses in this Nation that the die-hard leftists in this Nation are actually a minority in numbers and are so low on the American Totem poll in stature, we will continue to be forced to identify their spider holes.

  5. I agree with Donald that lefty ideology is eroding everything that has made this country great. But I guess where I part ways is when bloggers try to hold up a deeply troubled man as the epitome or 'leftism' or 'rightism'.

    There's a reason these folks are called extremists: they have taken WHATEVER twisted ideology they had to the illogical and murderous extreme. The guy's list of beliefs were pretty inconsistent which seems par for the course for a murdering sociopath. The word unbalanced comes to mind.

    I'm glad to see someone debunking the idea that he's a conservative.

    I just don't think anything can be "proven" about Democrats in general by calling him leftist either. I know too many sane and reasonable Dems to believe for a moment that lefty ideology alone drives perfectly normal people bats*** insane :)

    This is not the hill I want to die on. The better point (IMO) is how many of the terrorist acts and plots of the past decades were carried out by Islamists. The numbers are pretty overwhelming. If we want to look for monsters under the bed, why not try there?

    Anyway, great post!

  6. I'm sorry Donald, I was too busy reading about

    -a guy shooting up a church because he hates liberals,
    -a guy shooting cops because he's afraid they were going to take his guns away,
    -a guy shooting an abortion doctor,
    -a guy in Maine who wanted to build a dirty bomb and use it at Obama's inauguration,
    -and a guy shooting at the Holocaust Museum,

    so I may have missed where you proved that left-wing ideology is really dangerous. Because, from where I'm sitting, there's a lot of right-wingers killing people.

    (Oh, feel free to use Private Long's murder as a counter-argument, because that one act by a religious extremist really makes the secular left look bad; and it totally balances these five murderous rampages / plans on the right.)

    (And just to preempt one argument you might make: Is Buchanan a conservative? Because Von Brunn's politics are basically Buchanan-style conservatism.)

  7. Liberals always cite a few isolated, extreme examples to try and paint conservatives as right-wing, bigoted, violent, etc. It doesn't wash, of course, but when you are grasping at logical straws you will do anything to undermine the opposition. The left operates at the bumper-sticker level -- do-good, speak nicely, feel good -- and this definitely also applies to their treatment of conservatives. Unfortunately, in our sound-bite culture, it plays well -- especially when pimped by MSNBC, NBC and the other liberal networks.

  8. Kenneth, at what point do a few isolated examples become a trend? In the last 4 or 5 months, we've had 4 or 5 conservative-themed shootings or planned bombing (planned, not carried out).

    All I'm saying is that Donald says there's a civil war on--and from what I see, the violence is asymmetrical. These may be isolated incidents--that is, these people may be isolated from the mainstream of conservative thought and practice--but the majority of the violence in this "civil war" is from the right, directed at liberals, abortion doctors, and Jews.

    Now, believe me when I say that I don't think these incidents are really reflective of a larger trend towards violence on the conservative part, but even if you want to say these are isolated incidents, you have to agree that there are a few more of these right-on-left incidents than there are left-on-right incidents. Or show me evidence that I'm wrong. (Maybe publishing the names and addresses of donors to Prop 8 should count as violence? Although, I don't remember, was anyone killed or fired over that?)

  9. Great post, right on target.

    I agree about the slow erosion of “right” and “wrong” in politics brought on by the “post-structural presidency” of Obama. The charismatic president, together with a Democratic congress and the collusion of the leftist news media and popular entertainers are effectively redefining long held established standards and principles developed over hundreds of years in this country. The notion of relativism suggests that we are globally all equal and thus a denial of our hard-won “Exceptionalism.” It ignores our special contributions to the world following any past victory we have ever had over our enemies.

    Extremism, as I have said before, does not define either party. But, it is a tough fight for the right when the leftist news insists on ignoring or minimizing any violent action by a Muslim. The hysterical MSNBC news media revels in this abuse of the free press. The voices on the right need to speak out with clarity so that the public knows what we stand for, because right now what the liberals increasingly appear to be standing for is a post-American world.

  10. BenJB. No one is talking about these alleged other examples you raise. We have had three killings, all by ideological extremists. The Democratic-left and the media have focused on the right wing exclusively. Conservatives repudiated Tiller's killer unoquivocally, and they question whether James von Brunn is really on the "right."

    You have not addressed my argument, but have instead thrown up an irrelevant smokescreen. Both sides rush to judgment. The left has the added benefit of a media establishment that seeks advantage from crisis.

  11. Donald, thanks for the response.

    I don't watch a lot of tv news, so what you say may be right--maybe people are putting undue attention on the right-wing extremism. However, my point in listing the recent examples of right-wing violence(footnote 1) is to show that these acts sure look like a trend--and trends are more news-worthy than isolated incidents. Thus, I don't agree with you when you say that the news-media is paying undue attention to these attacks.

    (That said, recall what I said at first: I don't watch a lot of tv news. If I'm wrong, and the tv news is spending too much time, your best bet would be to document it: how much time do they devote to each story. I'm guessing they spend more time talking about right-wing violence, but, as I've pointed out, there's more right-wing violence for them to cover.)

    Now, for the sake of argument, let's say that people on the left are using these acts of violence to enact some sort of legislation... or something--it's unclear what you concretely mean when you say "despicable opportunism." How are people using these events opportunistically, Donald? By pointing out that some right-wing extremism leads to violence? How is it opportunistic to point out the truth, Donald?

    Footnote 1: Here's the part where someone says, "Oh, but Von Brunn wasn't a conservative." And here's the part where I say most political identities tend to be broad and varied, and just because he may not be your style of conservative does not mean that he's not a conservative. So, how do we know where Von Brunn sits politically? I've heard people say that he hates Jews, so must be left; that's just dumb--anti-Semitism, as I've said, is a pretty free-floating animus. I've heard people say that he planned to attack the Fox News Corp, so he must be left. That's more interesting, but let's face it: given the option, he didn't attack FNC, he attacked the Holocaust Museum. What else has he done? Well, he's tried to interfere with the federal government, which might go either way, but in fact, he targeted the Federal Reserve because he thought it was infringing on local and state's rights. Does that sound familiar to anyone? (Also, he's a birther.)

  12. Unbelievable Benjie. You don't watch the news so you brought up some examples that you never heard or read about? Did I get that "right"?

    EVERY "anti-war" or "peace" rally has been rife with horrendous actions against this government, our Founding, our Troops and the left does nothing about it. Yet, a theoretical "righty" that once in a blue moon does something idiotic and all of a sudden the ENTIRE right wing is exactly like the fools doing heinous deeds?

    You need to get out more.

    You remind me of this clown:

  13. Thank you for the additional link, Mr Harvey...

    Perhaps you'll eventually give up the name calling & Clinton cigar references, and actually respond to what I wrote there.

    Funny, how you claim things like "EVERY "anti-war" or "peace" rally has been rife with horrendous actions against this government, our Founding, our Troops...", and consistently fail to cite any or provide links to legit news reports detailing your claims. Funny, but not surprising...

    Tell us again how there are "no anti-Semites on the right wing." That one's got to be my favorite of all your outrageous, lying, denialist claims...

    Thanks for the laughter, Mr Harvey... I'll wear the clown suit proudly, as long as I can keep watching you destroy your own credibility (& to some extent, that of your chosen party, too) with every ranting claim...

  14. The Left and the DNC, daily Kos and James Wolcott:

    These people hated Bush and hated jews, and since there were no WFB's in the Liberal or Democratic ranks -- the anti-semites are able to thrive on the Left.

    And I left the Left in Summer 92 because of the Anti-semitism I saw.

    When, oh when, will the Left realize that just because people join you in your hate against your current Emmanuel Goldstein (Palin this week? Rush next week?)does not mean they are good people?

  15. @ JSF:
    Just read through the whole of your "new anti-semitism" post from 2007. I associate myself with all of Jason's comments there, which make as much sense today as they did when he wrote them.

    1) Criticism of the Israeli government or disagreement with the politics of neoconservatives here in the US is not anti-Semitism, any more than criticism of Bush/Republicans/"the right" or Obama/Democrats/"the left" is anti-Americanism.

    2) No matter how offensive (or anti-Semitic) you personally believe them to be, the posts of a few authors at a liberal blog is no basis for tarring all liberals (or even other liberals who write at that same blog) with their offensiveness (or anti-Semitism.) In fact, I submit that is that very kind of sweeping generalization that in other circumstances becomes the basis of most racial/religious/ethnic/??? bigotry, including the anti-Semitism you decry. It's like Ed Morrissy said at Hot Air:

    "People who commit crimes... [or are anti-Semitic or otherwise bigoted] ...bear the entire responsibility for those crimes [or that bigotry]. Assigning guilt, real or imagined, to groups rather than individuals for their own actions is one of the reasons we have to have a Holocaust Memorial at all. It’s the kind of thinking that leads to genocide when allowed to run to run to its extreme."

    Even if you believe a Kos writer named The Heathlander is an anti-Semite, why should that mean that I'm an anti-Semite too, just because he & I are both liberals?

    If you want to rail against The Heathlander, feel free, but leave all of us who aren't The Heathlander out of it, lest you be accused of tarring us all with the same broad brush, without cause or evidence.

    The truth is, there is no "Right" and there is no "Left." We're individuals, every last one of us. The fact that there are anti-Semites, racists, cheaters and punks here on the left side of the aisle doesn't make me (or "the left," in general) any of those things, any more than you folks having Pat Buchanon, Vidder, Craig, and Foley on your side makes you all anti-Semitic gay pedophiles who pick up prostitutes. Their crimes are their own, just as the individual anti-Semites, punks, and cheaters on my side are the only ones responsible for their actions.

    JSF, rather than blaming liberals, or every writer at Kos (How many are there, anyway? 50? 100? More?) for the anti-Semitism you (think you) see, blame the author who wrote it, and (if you must) ASK other individual libs whether or not they agree with what s/he wrote, rather than assuming we all do.

    I think your hate meme is far overblown... Just like you folks think Obama is... (all those things you individually think he is, politically, and otherwise), we felt the same about Bush, politically, and otherwise. If you wouldn't say you all "hate" Obama, why would you say we all "hated" Bush?

    WFB's = Buckley?

    When will you see that vehemently disagreeing with someone's politics is not hate (or anti-Semitism, or racism, or anti-feminism, or anti-WAS(M)Pism...)? It's just vehement political disagreement.

  16. Repsac,

    Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Much appreciated.

    For me, as a former Liberal democratic partisan (who is now a Conservative republican partisan with a Liberterian streak), whenever a shooting occurs during a democratic administration, the broad brush comes out.

    heck, I voted No on 8 for Conservative reasons, yet i still hear how I am a homophobe, rascist, bigot because i don't support President Obama.

    The Anti-semite/heathlander posts were about geese and gander. You paint us with a broad brush, I return the favor.

    Look at the Churchill quote in my latest post -- where is the democrats (and their allies)post-partisanship?

    I always believed in treating people how you want to be teeated, but the past 8 years burned me. I don't believe the democrats belive that saying anymore.

    I would love to agree to disagree, but when the next shooting occurs, will all Conservatives and republicans get blamed or will they blame the individual?

  17. "So, how do we know where Von Brunn sits politically?"

    Well, him being the kind of nut he is, it shouldn't come as a surprise that he's written a manifesto... that should help clear some things up for us.

    Here's a small sample from his his book Kill The Best Gentiles:
    “Yockey, in his suppressed book Imperium, notes that MARXISM is seriously flawed because MARX, being a JEW, could not understand the real differences between CAPITALISM and SOCIALISM, which emanated from the WESTERN CULTURE-ORGANISM. Capitalism and Socialism are how a Nation (Family, People, Race) feels, thinks, and lives, and secondarily are ECONOMIC CONCEPTS. One [capitalism] is past history; the other, WESTERN SOCIALISM, represents the future of the West, and the end of JEWRY on Western soil.”

    Does he sound like a conservative to you?

  18. Bizarrely, back in 1984 Judith Warner took me to lunch when she was a cub reporter for the NYT's DC bureau re the Hatfield bribery "affaire" in which my wife blew the whistle on that Senator's dalliance with The Trans-African Pipeline Corp." which I worked with/for as a consultant. Unlike Howie Kurtz, who also interviewed me in our kitchen, Judith didn't impress me much and she's now peddling a mommy blog with occasional forays into Krugman-like windmill-tiltings. To overlook deliberately the Little Rock murder is typical of her kind of shallow drive-by hit-and-run partisanship.

    The killers of Tiller, of Sgt. Long, & of the Holocaust guard all share in the growing tension which you slightly exaggerate when you describe it as a "civil war." But the ridiculous hyperbole on the Left is reaching hysteric proportions with Global Warming & Israel bashing notable examples of their hallucinatory "displacement." "Displacement," as Dr. Sanity points out repeatedly, is the tendency to ignore a real terrifying enemy [Islamic Terrorism] by substituting straw men. Thus Israel is to blame for 9/11 & Iraq, instead of Islamic terrorists and a threatening dictator whom everyone thought had an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction.

    A vague series of meteorological events means the Sky is Falling, and allows the Left to overlook much more real threats to America such as the reappearance of totalitarian regimes replacing Samuel Huntington's "Third Wave" of democracies.

    The time is out of joint, and Warner's displacement concerning an Islamic terrorist's killing a recruiting Sergeant is just as much a specimen of hysteria as the other fever swamp denizens' accusations that talk radio and FoxNEWS was to blame for Tiller & perhaps the Von Brunn murder.

    When a creepy comedian attacks a national political candidate's fourteen year old daughter with smutty innuendoes, it's another sign of crying havoc in the marketplace of ideas. If such a forum for sane discourse still exists.

  19. Conservatives repudiated Tiller's killer unoquivocally,

    That's not true.

    One poster at the extremist blog Red State puts the issue very clearly and that's how many other movement conservatives view this:

    Christian Newswire:
    George Tiller was a Mass-Murderer, says Randall Terry — We Grieve That he Did Not Have Time to Properly Prepare his Soul to Face God — Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, led protests against George Tiller's late-term abortion clinic in Wichita in 1991.

    La Shawn / La Shawn Barber's Corner:
    Child Killer George Tiller Killed
    Link Search: Technorati, Google, IceRocket, and Ask
    Discussion: The Moderate Voice and Comments from Left Field

    Upchuck /
    Report: George Tiller Shot To Death [Child Murderer Killed At Wichita Church]
    Link Search: Technorati, Google, IceRocket, and Ask
    Discussion: Little Green Footballs and The Daily Dish


    Former SBC officer says Tiller murder answer to prayer
    By Bob Allen
    Tuesday, June 02, 2009
    Associated Baptist Press

    BUENA PARK, Calif. (ABP) -- While most pro-life leaders condemned the May 31 murder of a controversial abortion provider inside his Wichita, Kan., church, one former Southern Baptist Convention official called it an answer to prayer.

    "I am glad George Tiller is dead," Wiley Drake, the SBC's former second vice president, said on his Crusade Radio program June 1.

    "There may be a lot who would say, 'Oh that is mean. You shouldn't be that way,'" Drake said. "Well, no, it's an answer to prayer."

    "This man, George Tiller, was far greater in his atrocities than Adolf Hitler," Drake said. "So I am happy. I am glad that he is dead...."

  21. @ JSF: (Summarized, for length; full comment [here])


    Some do legitimately believe that any vote to deny gay folks the same marriage rights straight people have is bigotry, so yes, if you're saying you voted against it because it had fiscal costs that you as a conservative found unacceptable, there are going to be people who will not accept that argument, and will think you a homophobe or a bigot, whether or not you actually are.
    "The Anti-semite/heathlander posts were about geese and gander. You paint us with a broad brush, I return the favor."

    "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

    Break the cycle, if only because in every encounter with a broad-brushing, name-calling, mean-spirited (or perfectly pleasant) leftie, you're the only one whose behavior you actually have control over...

    "I always believed in treating people how you want to be treated, but the past 8 years burned me. I don't believe the democrats belive that saying anymore."

    As with everything else--& everyone else, including those on your side of the aisle, too--some do, and some don't. Some Dems feel as burned as you do, whether or not you believe they should or have a right to feel that way.
    "The next shooting..."

    In this world, there will always be fools who will generalize about "all Conservatives" or "all Liberals," so yes JSF, your side (or perhaps mine, & more than likely both) will get blamed (by some) no matter the tragedy, past, present or future.

    Not only are all conservatives/republicans not responsible for von Brunn's thoughts or actions, no conservatives/republicans are responsible for von Brunn's thoughts or actions. And no liberals/democrats are, either.

    But by the same token, one can't singlehandedly change the definitions of words and phrases.
    (more, including the No true Scotsman fallacy)

    For those who still refuse it, I (really, Jonathan Chait) ask(s) you... "Is there such a thing as a right-wing extremist? When you go past the right wing of the Republican Party, through Tom Tancredo and Pat Buchanan, what comes next? Is there anything there, or just a gaping void?"

    Full length comment: Absolutists, breaking the cycle, bi/post partisanship, the Golden Rule, ...

  22. Obviously I got here late, Donald, and there's not much left to say except that you've written another excellent post.

    Regardless of what anyone says in the comment section of this post, the far left is blaming conservatives for Von Brunn's insane actions. O'Reilly is supposedly at fault because he reported that Tiller was called "Tiller the baby killer." Well, that's what O'Reilly does, he "reports." Reporters cannot be blamed for what a deranged malcontent dirtbag like Von Brunn does and neither can conservatives, but MSNBC in particular has no shame.

    I have many friends who are Democrats and I don't judge them because of their political ideology. The good news is, even though they voted for Obama, they are now quite upset that they did. :)

  23. Gayle, the better news is that it's just your friends, though.
