Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Claire McCaskill Protest

Less a tea party than a constituency-initiated towh hall meeting. From Dana Loesch, "Voters Protest Outside Claire McCaskill’s Office":

Just under a hundred protesters assembled on lunch break outside of Senator Claire McCaskill’s Delmar office. Constituents braved the frigid temperatures to voice their opposition to Harry Reid’s health care legislation. Concerns cited included the penalty (and possible jail time) for those who refuse to purchase government care; the $8 billion in cuts from hospice; the Medicare expansion (as the system is already busted); the exponential increase to the deficit; and many others.
Lots more pictures at the link, and video's on the way! And from Gateway Pundit, "CODE RED RALLY at Claire McCaskill’s St. Louis Office."

Glenn Reynolds has
more on Senator McCaskill.

And more protests from Michelle Malkin, "
Code Red Rally in D.C. today; Update: What will Nelson’s payoff be?; MoveOn to hold counter-protest; Lieberman: “We’re heading in the right direction;” Coburn: “This bill must be stopped!”." (Via Memeorandum.)

RELATED: At the Washington Post, "
Senate health bill unlikely to include Medicare buy-in: DEMOCRATS SET TO SCALE BACK -Insufficient support for public-option alternative."

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