Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tebow Super Bowl Advertisements

Here they are. Can't imagine all the fuss from the left over this (actually, come to think of it, that's not true):

But see the Blog Prof, "More on Tim Tebow Super Bowl Commerical Derangement Syndrome (SBCDS)."


Jordan said...

Linkage: Tedbow Ad

Dennis said...

It would seem to me that the people who are the ultimate perpetrators of domestic violence are the first to allege domestic violence by others. This is such a life affirming ad that I can understand why the "Darkside," would dislike it.
I have often wondered why the Left is so fascinated with the death of someone other than themselves to solve a problem. You would think that if they really believed that the Earth has too many people then they would be the first to volunteer to depart the stage to save the planet. Ah but alas they are so very much more important than everyone else..... NOT.