Thursday, October 21, 2010

Barbara Boxer Profiled at L.A. Times: 'Proudest' Moment is 2002 Vote Against Iraqi Freedom; Refuses Release of Fallujah Terror-Aid Letter

LAT calls it "ardor" and "tenacity." Carly Fiorina calls it "bitter partisanship":

And note this, from the Times' profile:
After the 2004 presidential election, for example, Boxer was the only senator to challenge electoral college votes from Ohio where some Democrats alleged vote fraud. The move infuriated Republicans and delayed certification of Bush's re-election for several hours. No other Democrat, including Kerry, Bush's Democratic opponent, supported her.

And when war fever swept Washington in 2002, Boxer resisted. She was one of the few senators who voted against authorizing Bush to use military force in Iraq.

Boxer calls that vote her proudest.

"I determined when I cast that vote that the Iraq war would be a disaster," she said. "I was right. That vote has been a comfort to me
Barbara Boxer's a traitor.

See Big Peace, "
Barbara Boxer Approved Code Pink Trip to Fallujah to Donate $600,000 to Extremists to Murder US Soldiers," and Gateway Pundit, "Barbara Boxer Won’t Provide Copy of Fallujah Letter to Military Mother."

I hope Carly will hammer this issue before November 2nd.

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