Sunday, June 5, 2011

Anthony Weiner Car Registration Expired in New York?

And what's more strange is that Weiner drives a 20 year-old Nissan Pathfinder? Dude's a Member of Congress, for crying out loud.

At New York Daily News, "Rep. Anthony Weiner's car is registered in New York but way out of date."

And The Other McCain is plugging away: "‘Is He the New Tiger Woods?’," and "‘You Can’t Lawyer the Media’." And the investigation continues, at The Daily, "WEINER'S TALE UNRAVELING." (Also at Memeorandum.)

And see Mark Steyn, "Weiner helping junk the country."


Marathon Pundit said...

Wouldn't it be great if Weiner's car was the Oscar Meyer Wiener-mobile?