Thursday, August 18, 2011

Perry Calls Global Warming Unproven

At LAT, "Rick Perry calls global warming an unproven, costly theory."


  1. Weird how a bunch of scientists say otherwise but then again they never had anyone in Texas vote for them so what do they know?

  2. Glad to see someone talking sense about global warming!

  3. The problem though is tht if it suited Perry's political purpose to be a global warming advocate that is what he would do. Repubs need to keep looking.

  4. Larger numbers of real scientists question AGW and many outright challenge it as "Junk Science." The regurgitation of Leftist talking points does not make them true. And one wonders why many of us are beginning to question those who teach our children and what they are teaching.
    First one might learn the meaning of science. Anyone who can posit "settled science" is a fool or a liar. Settled science used to have the Sun rotating around the Earth, et al. The mistaken "settled science" of those so called scientists could fill volumes. Pluto is a planet don't you know? Checkout the NASA site.
