Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hyatt's Houston Sugar Land Hotel Cancels Tea Party Event on Islam

From Pamela Geller, "The Quisling Cowards at the Hyatt Place Sugar Land Caved to Intimidation," and "Across the Pond the Hyatt's Craven Quisling Cancellation Makes News."

And following Pamela's links takes us to London's Daily Mail, "Hotel cancels Tea Party event after learning that anti-Islam activist was due to be a speaker."


  1. I don't think Ms. Geller and the Sugar Land Tea Party member understand what free speech actually means in this country. The first amendment exists to prevent the government from limiting what they can and cannot say. It doesn't give them the right to say whatever they want on a business' private property.

    If the Hyatt decides that it doesn't agree with what they're saying then it has every right as a privately owned business to deny them the use of their facilities. If Ms. Geller wants to stand on a soap box on the public sidewalk outside the hotel and yell about Muslims then she obviously has that right but her ignorance of one of the most fundamental aspects of our constitution is embarrassing.

    I'm surprised you didn't point this out in your post, Dr. Douglas.

  2. I have actually worked at this fair establishment a few times in the old days. Did a little bartending here and there. They getting people to come to work there as they tend to be pricks. I actually walked out on a job which is something I never do.

    The management folk there are known to be idiots. I see things have not changed.
