Friday, October 14, 2011

Obama Administration Scraps Key Portion of Affordable Care Act

The main story's at New York Times, "Obama to Scrap a Portion of Health Care Law."

But see the editorial at Wall Street Journal, "Class Dismissed":
Late Friday afternoon, naturally, the Obama Administration formally conceded that it had shut down one of the Affordable Care Act's major new entitlement programs. The Department of Health and Human Services had already closed down the office in charge of creating this insurance program for long-term care last month. But HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's act of fiscal damage control is still a welcome if overdue admission that ObamaCare's claims of deficit reduction were always an illusion.
Continue reading.

Also at Lonely Conservative, "CLASS Dismissed! Obama Dumps Long Term Care from Obamacare."


  1. Of course long-term health care gets the axe, as the Death Panels negated all that the minute this Kenyan Muslin commie bastard signed Obamacare into law, as long-term health care is not part of the Dear Ruler's plan.


  2. Any senior in this country that thinks Obamacare is going to do anything to improve their lives is a fool. How many negative actions contained therein does one have to see take place before they realize that they are EXPENDABLE. and their deaths are/were the only way to make it work. That and all of the others who will be ruled as not fitting the requirement.
    The only group to make out is AARP which is selling health insurance that will eventually be useless and they know it or should.
    The medical care we need right now is to remove the cancer known as Obama.

  3. The free market is providing an "Affordable Health Care" solution:
