Friday, October 21, 2011

Obama's Cut and Run from Iraq

At NYT, "U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq by Year’s End, Obama Says."

And see Max Boot, at Commentary, "The Iraq Withdrawal Is Nothing to Brag About."

And check the roundup at Memeorandum.


  1. You have to wonder how long it will take for the country to fall into civil war now that the troops will be leaving?

  2. This is when you wonder if Obama's internal polls are so bad that he will do anything to keep his left appeased. My after a couple of years of not getting a cost of living allowance all of a sudden just before a presidential election seniors are going to receive a COLA. Just boggles the mind at how stupid Obama thinks everyone is. You don't suppose that Obama might renege on his actions once he feels he fooled enough people to get re-elected?

    Are you talking about Iraq or the war Obama is trying to instigate here?

  3. Dennis,

    O didn't announce the withdrawal to appease the "left." In fact, a majority of Americans now realize the Iraq Was was a costly mistake.

    Besides, you have to recall that many on the left supported that war, including Charles Johnson, Hillary Clinton, Joe Lieberman, and Trotskyite Chris Hitchens.
