Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingrich Lead Evaporates With Just Two Weeks Until Iowa Caucuses

Scholars of the primaries will remember the run-up to 2012 as the most fluctuating pre-primary season in a long time. We've seen the rise and fall of one candidate after another, briefly challenging Mitt Romney for frontrunner status for the Republican nomination. As I noted at my Pajamas piece last week, things would likely change. But I'm surprised at how quickly Newt's surge has deflated. I guess Mitt really does have the momentum at this late date. The question now is how quickly he'll be able to wrap up the nomination. Remember, it's an elongated season, so surprise victories in the early states can still change the dynamics of the race. Especially interesting will be watching what happens to Ron Paul.


  1. If Santorum continues gaining momentum and passes Gingrich in the polls I will be pleased.

  2. What's wrong with America????Seems like many have taken the Republican bait and see mitt as a better choice....Money talks and BS walks, as the saying goes....I started supporting Nute long ago when I listened to his answers on how to fix our economic problems and many others that are plaguing this country. One that I love very deeply.....I really don't talk too much, but I saw what was happening to this great country in 1965 and it has continued up until Reagan took over the reigns of power. after the newness ran out they started on him and they were brutal...Now they love him>>>>>but back then they were brutal then the nation continued to disintegrate multiculturalism set in and is still with us...political correctness etc etc...In the last couple of weeks the press,,,Glenn Beck,,,,many, many, people have come out against Nute and his ideas....It has been a non-stop trashing. I think someone better start vetting Romney........See where he is coming from....What are his policies,,,Where does he stand on Healthcare.....Ebonics National defense, etc etc.... I don't like Nutes take on Illegal Immigration, but Who's to say what he wants will come to be....??? He does have positive attributes and no one is pointing these out....I'll stick with him,
