Tuesday, June 19, 2012

MSNBC Hack Andrea Mitchell Won't Apologize For — Much Less Retract — Doctored Footage Smearing Mitt Romney on Wawa Hoagies

The Right Scoop reports, "NO APOLOGY: MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell refuses to acknowledge they misled their viewers over Romney’s Wawa comments" (via Memeorandum):
This is pathetic. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell refused to even apologize for misleading their viewers yesterday by distorting and mischaracterizing Romney’s comments yesterday. Instead Mitchell simply said there was more and “we didn’t get a chance to play it”, and then played a few more seconds adding context to Romney’s comments. And then they quickly moved on:

Ed Morrissey has more: "Video: MSNBC as apologetic as you’d imagine for deceptive editing on Romney WaWa visit" (via Memeorandum).

And the background from last night is here: "Mitt Romney's Story About Wawa Hoagies."

Added: At Twitchy, "#MSNBCIn4Words: Citizens hold lapdog media accountable for false reporting."

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