Friday, July 20, 2012

Colorado Theater Shooting: Gunman Looked 'Ready to Go Into Battle'

That's the banner headline at the New York Times homepage, "12 Are Killed and 59 Injured in Colorado Theater Rampage — Gunman Looked 'Ready to Go Into Battle'."

And CBS News looks for explanations at the clip:

More information is coming in but at some level, the suspect, James Holmes, was deeply and maliciously disturbed. USA Today has more on the suspect, "A closer look at Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes."

And see Michelle Malkin, "Movie theater shooting in Aurora CO: 12 dead, 50 injured; suspect in custody; victim Jessica Ghawi tweeted before death, had survived Toronto mall shooting; gun-control frenzy, Rush/Tea Party-bashing begins anew; ABC “apologizes” for “incorrect” Tea Party tie," and "Blame Righty impulse blows up in media faces…again."

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