Friday, August 3, 2012

Harry Reid Pederasty Rumors

Glenn Reynolds picks up on Harry Reid's McCarthyism:
HARRY REID’S FINANCIAL MCCARTHYISM. “I don’t think the burden should be on me.”

And I don’t think the burden should be on me to resolve those Harry Reid pederasty rumors, either. But when there’s this much Harry Reid pederasty buzz on the Internet, I think Sen. Reid owes the public an explanation.
Check that hilarious screencap at the link.

And at AoSHQ, "When Will Harry Reid Address The Growing Concerns About His Pederasty?" (And don't miss Jon Stewart calling out Reid's bullsh*t, at that link.)

PREVIOUSLY: "'Put Up or Shut Up' — Mitt Romney Calls Out Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid."

BONUS: At Twitchy, "#HarryReidFacts: Some guy totally told Truther Harry Reid a thing about Romney’s taxes; Media repeat; Update: #HarryReidIsAPederast."

EXTRA: Back over at Instapundit, "FORGET THOSE UNSUBSTANTIATED, BUT TROUBLING, PEDERASTY RUMORS: Why Doesn’t Harry Reid Answer Sourced Accusations of Racism and Corruption?"

He's a Democrat.

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