Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hateful Progressive Berates Young Woman at Chick-fil-A Drive-Up Window

The video was pulled at Gateway Pundit last night, "AWFUL!… Hateful Leftist Abuses Young Woman Working the Chick-fil-A Window (Video) …UPDATED."

But it's back up now. Watch it.

And see Twitchy, "Douche of the day: Tolerance bully proudly harasses young woman at Chick-fil-A window."

Plus, Ace of Spades HQ makes a go of it:

Blazing Cat Fur has it as well:
Liberal douche rolls up to a Chick-fil-A drive through so he can berate a teenaged girl about gay marriage. This is an object lesson in things you should not post on YouTube.
And following the links takes us to Toronto's Globe and Mail, and from the comments there:
The furore was not set off by Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-A. It was set off by all the arrogant politically correct leftist commentators who want to shut up the expression of any opinion except their own.

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