Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"Julian's favourite activity was following what people — especially his 'enemies' — were saying about him on the internet..."

Well, I had to get a laugh out of that line. The author, Andrew O'Hagan, slams WikiLeaks paranoiac Julian Assange in his practically book-length essay at the London Review of Books, "Ghosting."

Last week everyone was saying how "interesting" the piece was on Twitter, although it's so long it took me a couple of sessions to read during office hours at work.

So, you're warned, heh. Personally, I can't stand reading long essays like this online. I'd rather be reclining in bed reading a book. But since O'Hagan might have been explaining the perverted psychopathy of my deranged troll-rights stalker, I can't resist the lulz: "Repsac3's favorite activity was following what people — especially his 'enemies' — were saying about him on the internet..."

It's true, of course. Although for Repsac I wouldn't refer to his "favorite activity" of stalking in the past tense. He's still as bad as ever. Worse even, since he's set his criminal stalking hate-blog American Nihilist to "invitation only" in order to plan his attacks out of the investigative purview of legal authorities. But yeah. Either way, the pathetic communist asshat's still at it. See, "Hi Donald Douglas: You Have a New Stalking Troll-Rights Follower Harasser @Repsac3 on Disqus."