Sunday, March 16, 2014

U.S. Warns Russia on Crimea

It doesn't mean anything, of course.

At Politico, "Russia, U.S. agree to seek resolution":

In a piece of breaking news on CBS's "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer announced the readout of the phone call between Kerry and Lavrov from the Russian foreign ministry.

“U.S. officials are urging caution here that this does not mean there’s an immediate deal," Brennan said. But she noted that while Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn't appear to be "pulling back fully," there might be some discussion of a possibility "short of annexation" in Crimea.

The release, according to Schieffer, also mentioned "constitutional reform in Crimea," likely an allusion to a recent proposal from the Ukrainian government to give  more autonomy to Crimea — on issues like tax reform and treatment of minorities.
Also at NYT, "Kerry Presses Russia on ‘Provocations’ in Ukraine."

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