Saturday, June 13, 2015

Dallas Police Headquarters Attacked: Police Chief, 'We Barely Survived the Intent' of Suspect (VIDEO)

The natural outgrowth of the left's anti-brutality "BlackLivesMatter" movement.

It's open season on America's law enforcement.

At the Dallas Morning News, "Dallas chief: 'We barely survived the intent' of man who fired on officers":

Urgent update: A police sniper has fired at the suspect but police say the suspect's condition is unknown.

Previous article:

Police were continuing attempts to negotiate with a man in an armored vehicle after he opened fire on Dallas police headquarters and led dozens of squad cars on a chase that ended in Hutchins.

No injuries had been confirmed in the attack early Saturday, but the gunman told police he had been wounded.

By 7:30 a.m., because the gunman had not been heard from for hours, speculation was spreading that he might be unconscious or dead. Officials, however, were not commenting on his condition.

The man identified himself as James Boulware, 50, who has a history of family violence and blames authorities for his losing custody of his son, Dallas police Chief David Brown said.

Boulware's mother, Jeannine Boulware, declined to comment Saturday morning when she was reached at her Dallas home by phone.

"I don't want to talk to the media. I want to talk to my son. I want my grandson to talk to his father. Do not call this number again," she said.

Mesquite's bomb squad was at James Boulware's last known address to check for explosives because of devices that had been found and detonated by Dallas police at their headquarters.
Check the Dallas Police Twitter feed as well.