Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hillary Clinton Revives the 'War on Women'


The Dems are attacking Donald Trump as a misogynist, so they shouldn't be surprised when husband Bill's manifold sexual predations become inflammatory campaign fodder.

At the New York Times, "Hillary Clinton Says She Won't Respond to Donald Trump's Attacks About Her Husband":

After Donald J. Trump opened a line of attack on Hillary and Bill Clinton over the former president’s conduct toward women, Mrs. Clinton made clear on Monday that she did not intend to argue with Mr. Trump over the subject.

“I’m going to let him run his campaign however he chooses,” Mrs. Clinton told reporters after a campaign event in Northern Virginia.

In recent days, Mr. Trump, now the presumptive Republican nominee, has invoked Mr. Clinton’s sexual past, describing Mrs. Clinton as an “enabler” and suggesting that she has no credibility to question his own treatment of women.

Asked on Monday if she thought she would at some point have to respond on the subject, Mrs. Clinton said, “I’m answering him on what I think voters care about.” She added that she had “been very clear that a lot of his rhetoric is not only reckless, it’s dangerous.”

“I’m running my campaign,” Mrs. Clinton said. “I’m not running against him. He’s doing a fine job of doing that himself.”
In other words, she's getting off the war on women topic, lest she gets burned.

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