Sunday, December 9, 2018

America's New Religions

Folks are diggin' on this new piece from Andrew Sullivan. I admit I enjoy his writing, but never forget that he's got a few screws loose. Remember the 2008 campaign and Dr. Andrew Gynecologist diagnosing Sarah Palin as not able to have birthed her baby Trig (or something like that)? (See the Other McCain, "Dear Andrew Sullivan." Also, at AoSHQ, "Don't Go Over There, But Sullivan Is Pushing (of Course!) Trig Trutherism Now.")

At New York Magazine:

Democrats Are Just Too Darned Smart

From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "LIVING THE SMUG LIFE."

It's especially the smug Mazie Hirono.

C.J. Chivers, The Fighters

This looks awesome. Chivers is a Pulitzer Prize winner.

At Amazon, C.J. Chivers, The Fighters: Americans in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Brandon Hobson, Where the Dead Sit Talking

At Amazon, Brandon Hobson, Where the Dead Sit Talking.

Former President George W. Bush Overcome by Emotion During His Eulogy for His Father, George H.W. Bush (VIDEO)

I know a lot of conservatives dislike George W. Bush, but I love him. I wish I could meet him. He's my favorite president. I love Trump too, but there was the dignity of George W. while in office, and his dogged perseverance on the Iraq war I'll never forget.

And this is a wonderful eulogy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Alexis Ren as Never Before (VIDEO)

She's a luscious little tart, dang.

At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

UPDATE: Not Cancelled! Meghan Murphy Cancels Vancouver Appearance

UPDATE: The Other McCain has a blog post with the correct information, "Buzzword Alert: ‘Neoliberalism’."

The cancellation was a hoax.

And Global News Morning's piece below has been updated, "Meghan Murphy’s gender identity talk at Vancouver Public Library not cancelled."


See, "Controversial feminist speaker Meghan Murphy cancels Vancouver Public Library appearance."

"Trans activists" shut her down.

Progressive Denmark, the Scandinavian Wet Dream of Leftist 'Democratic Socialists' the World Over, Will Warehouse 'Unwanted' Refugees on Remote Pestilential Island

Seriously, the 2015 international refugees crisis has turned Europe upside down. Now those dang fascist Danes have produced a plan to house their virus-ridden unwanted refugees on some godforsaken island. You couldn't invent this in your most dystopian novel.

At the New York Times, "Denmark Plans to Isolate Unwanted Migrants on a Small Island":

COPENHAGEN — Denmark plans to house the country’s most unwelcome foreigners in a most unwelcoming place: a tiny, hard-to-reach island that now holds the laboratories, stables and crematory of a center for researching contagious animal diseases.

As if to make the message clearer, one of the two ferries that serve the island is called the Virus.

“They are unwanted in Denmark, and they will feel that,” the immigration minister, Inger Stojberg, wrote on Facebook.

On Friday, the center-right government and the right-wing Danish People’s Party announced an agreement to house as many as 100 people on Lindholm Island — foreigners who have been convicted of crimes but who cannot be returned to their home countries. Many would be rejected asylum seekers.

The 17-acre island, in an inlet of the Baltic Sea, lies about two miles from the nearest shore, and ferry service is infrequent. Foreigners will be required to report at the island center daily, and face imprisonment if they do not.

“We’re going to minimize the number of ferry departures as much as at all possible,” Martin Henriksen, a spokesman for the Danish People’s Party on immigration, told TV 2. “We’re going to make it as cumbersome and expensive as possible.”

The deal allocates about $115 million over four years for immigrant facilities on the island, which are scheduled to open in 2021.

The finance minister, Kristian Jensen, who led the negotiations, said the island was not a prison, but added that anyone placed there would have to sleep there.

Louise Holck, deputy executive director of The Danish Institute for Human Rights, said her organization would watch the situation “very closely” for possible violations of Denmark’s international obligations...
Oh, like the U.N.' s1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol? Well, doesn't sound like Denmark's too worried about non-compliance or anything, but who am I to critique? (*Eye-roll.*)

Still more.

The Case for Spending More to Help Israel (VIDEO)

This is excellent.

It's U.S. Gen Chuck Wald, for Prager University.

Bari Weiss and Eve Peyser

They scheduled a meet-up to see if they could get along in real life.

At NYT, "Can You Like the Person You Love to Hate?"

BARI WEISS: Everything sucks. That’s the overwhelming feeling I get when I spend too much time on Twitter. It makes me feel anxious and angry and amped up. And that’s on a day when I’m not even trending as a Very Bad Person.

This fall I read Jaron Lanier’s book “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now.” He helped me see that these feelings were the inevitable result of being manipulated by this behavioral modification machine.

I didn’t delete my account — yet! I know! I am full of shame! — but I did change the way I use it (no looking at my mentions; far less tweeting; aiming to highlight the work of people I like rather than criticize the work of those I don’t). It also made me think about how I saw other Twitter users, like Vice’s Eve Peyser. She was clever and often funny — and I disagreed with her about just about everything. Sometimes she jabbed at me. I watched her posts with a suspicious side-eye.

But I wondered: If we had met at a dinner party rather than on Twitter, would we have liked each other? Was social media, as Mr. Lanier’s book suggested, creating a sense of intense conflict where there might be intense conversation? Did we actually dislike each other, or was Twitter just making us think we did?

This is the story of how we went from being enemies to friends.

EVE PEYSER: In the woke world of New York digital media, the worst person in the world is Donald Trump, but you, Bari Weiss, are a close second. You’re the perfect target for media leftists because you look like you’d be one of us, but in fact, you have contrarian views on subjects like Israel and #MeToo.

Hating you was the natural position for me to adopt. After all, I’m a social democrat who eagerly voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries and has contemplated purchasing a “Free Palestine” T-shirt.

So I proceeded as one does these days: tsk-tsking various columns of yours, occasionally snarking about you on Twitter, and ascribing to the belief that The New York Times’s decision to hire you was most likely bad for America and the future of liberal democracy.

But I always had this nagging feeling that the Bari Weiss cyber outrage was overblown. Then, we became friends, and every tender thought I’d had about you was confirmed...
I doubt anything remotely like this would happen to me in real life. One exception: My students. I cut them slack because they're young, and of course I try to teach down the middle ---- on the one hand, and on the other hand ---- except for those times I just come out and show a Prager University video, or something, and I don't even tell them it's a conservative production. Students have to figure it out. Sometimes I even criticize President Trump from the left, and it confuses them, lol.

But keep reading.

Innocence and Wonder

So lovable and adorable.

Simpler Times

I found another "American Power" guy on Twitter, lol.

Heather Mac Donald Interview (VIDEO)

On Fox News, on "Life, Liberty & Levin."

And check out Mac Donald's book, at Amazon, Heather Mac Donald, The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.

Fantastic Iggy Azalea

At I Like Breasts, "NSFW – Iggy Azalea."

Robin Holzken in Wet Sand (VIDEO)

At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Monday, December 3, 2018

Leftists Use Death of Former President George H.W. Bush to Bash President Trump (VIDEO)

First, check out AoSHQ, "The View's Joy Behar Flips Out on Meghan McCain For Saying that Tributes to G.W.H. Bush Ought to be Genuine Tributes to Him, and Not Barely-Disguised Attacks on Trump," which block quotes Kurt Schlichter's latest at Town Hall, "The Only Good Republican Is a Dead Republican."

And watch the awesome Ms. Laura, at Fox News:

Penthouse Magazine Culture Warriors

I don't see the link to the actual article, but I'll post it if I find it.

Meanwhile, on Twitter:

Gigi Hadid Transforms Into Debbie Harry

At W Magazine.