Monday, August 10, 2015

WATCH:The Moment Shots Fired at Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter Protest (VIDEO)

I saw this last night, practically in real time.

Via Ruptly:

PREVIOUSLY: "Black Suspect Tyrone Harris Charged with Assault After Opening Fire on St. Louis County Police," and "St. Louis Post-Dispatch Reporter Paul Hampel Beaten and Robbed by #BlackLives Matter Protesters in #Ferguson."

'Viciousness' Against Megyn Kelly Creates Security Concerns for Fox

Well, she certainly adopted some of the SJW-left's "war on women" rhetoric, but obviously the outrage is stupid and over the top.

At Gateway Pundit, "Report: ‘Viciousness” Against Megyn Kelly Online Has Created Security Concerns for FOX":

Megyn Kelly photo gop-debate-kelly_zpso6gm6vdq.jpg
On Monday CNN reported that FOX News has increased security at their New York headquarters following the debate.
“There has been so much viciousness directed at Kelly online that it has created a security concern for FOX. She will be back on the air tomorrow night (Monday) Maybe Trump will come on her show at some point.

Demi Lovato Scorches on Stage as She Performs Chart-Topping 'Cool for the Summer'

I like this woman.

At London's Daily Mail, "Turning up the heat! Demi Lovato scorches on stage in revealing bra top and hotpants as she performs new single Cool For The Summer on The Voice Australia."

New Andrea Tantaros Bikini Pic!

She looks great!

On Twitter, "Winding down the weekend."

I think she's going with one of those new "slashkinis.'

See London's Daily Mail, "Are YOU brave enough to wear a slashkini? Stars can’t get enough of summer’s hottest swimwear trend so we sent one brave volunteer to Brighton to find out if it shapes up (with help from a very eager lifeguard)."

Obama White House Staffer Charged with Domestic Violence for Shooting at Capitol Police Boyfriend

This won't get much media coverage, that's for sure.

At Instapundit, "#HANDSUPDONTSHOOT #WARONMEN: Special Assistant to Obama Arrested for Shooting at Her Boyfriend."

At Least 9 Dead in Marxist Revolutionary People's Liberation Army-Front Attack on U.S. Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey (VIDEO)

At the New York Times, "Gun Battle Erupts Outside U.S. Consulate in Istanbul":
The assault was one of four major incidents of violence across Turkey on Monday, none of them attributed to the Islamic State. They were instead blamed on the Marxist and anti-American Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front, which claimed the consulate attack, and the Kurdistan Worker’s Party, or P.K.K. That group has fought an insurgency in Turkey for more than three decades and Turkey’s government views it as a primary threat...
And the Wall Street Journal, "Nine Killed in Attacks Across Turkey":

ISTANBUL—Nine people were killed in separate attacks across Turkey on Monday, adding to worries here that Ankara’s decision to step up military pressure on Kurdish separatists and increase involvement in the U.S.-led campaign against Islamic State will trigger more violence on Turkish soil.

A car carrying explosives struck a police station in Istanbul’s Sultanbeyli neighborhood at 1 a.m. local time, killing the attacker and wounding three policemen and seven bystanders.

Less than six hours later, two gunmen opened fire on the same police station, setting off a gunfight in which two attackers and one police officer were killed.

There was no claim of responsibility for the attacks, and the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors militant messages, reported no statements by Islamic State about the police station assaults.

Still, they compounded the jitters of Istanbul’s 14 million people on a day when the U.S. Consulate in the Sariyer district also was hit by gunfire.

There were no casualties, and one of the two women who carried out the 7 a.m. attack was captured. Authorities identified her as Hatice Asik, 42, of the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front, or DHKP-C, according to Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency.

The DHKP-C, which is designated as a terrorist organization by Turkey and the U.S., killed a Turkish security guard and wounded several other people in a suicide attack on the U.S. Embassy in Ankara two years ago.

The flare-up of violence in Turkey’s largest city occurred a day after the U.S. deployed six F-16 fighter jets and 300 military personnel to Incirlik air base in southern Turkey as part of joint Turkey-U.S. bid to increase military pressure on Islamic State forces in neighboring Iraq and Syria.

Concerns that the interim government of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was plunging Turkey deeper into the region’s conflicts were multiplied by attacks elsewhere in Turkey.

A roadside bombing in southeastern Sirnak province on Monday killed four policemen and wounded another, according to local media reports. Also, one soldier was killed when a military helicopter drew fire in the province in an attack officials blamed on “separatist terrorists”—shorthand for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK...
Still more.

Debunking the Left's 'Missing Men' Theory of Mass Incarceration Causing the Breakup of Black Family

The disintegration of the black family predates the rise of mass incarceration, and so leftists have reversed the causal arrows to remove the pathologies of the black urban culture from the national debate over #BlackLivesMatter.

From Kay Hymowitz, at the Wall Street Journal, "The Flawed ‘Missing Men’ Theory":

As riots tore through Ferguson, Mo., and Baltimore this winter and spring, so did denunciations of a criminal-justice system that has placed a disproportionate number of black men behind bars. One widely aired theory holds that not only are racial disparities and mass incarceration patently unjust on their own terms, but they also result in, to quote Hillary Clinton in the first policy speech of her campaign, “missing husbands, missing fathers, missing brothers.”

The missing-men theory of family breakdown has the virtue of being easy to grasp: Men who are locked up are obviously not going to be desirable husbands or engaged fathers. It also bypasses thorny and deadlocked debates about economics and culture. Still, the theory has a big problem: It’s at odds with the facts.

What extensive data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and National Vital Statistics Reports show is that the black family was in deep disarray well before America’s prison-population increase. As the 1960s began, 20% of all black births were to single mothers. By 1965 black “illegitimacy”—in the parlance of the time—had reached 24% and become the subject of Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s prophetic but ill-fated report “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.”

Yet the figure that so worried future Sen. Moynihan turned out to be the ground floor of a steep 30-year climb. By 1980 more than half of black children were born to unmarried mothers. The number peaked at 72.5% in 2010 and is now just below 72%.

In the 1960s and early ’70s, as nonmarital births raced upward, the number of black men admitted to state and federal prisons annually hovered between 20,000 and 27,000, showing no significant trend up or down. The later 1970s showed a notable increase, so that in 1980 alone there were 53,063 black males admitted to prison. Throughout the 1990s and the first decade of the 2000s, black prison admissions grew to historic highs and peaked at 257,000 in 2009. They have since declined slightly.

If anything, the timing of the two problems points to the opposite causation from the one assumed by “missing men” theorists: As the family unraveled, crime increased—the homicide rate doubled between the early 1960s and late ’70s, with more than half of the convicted being black—leading to calls for tougher sentencing to place more bad guys behind bars. In other words, family breakdown was followed by increased crime and more-crowded prisons...
It's a bit more complicated, but you get the gist of it.

Keep reading.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Reporter Paul Hampel Beaten and Robbed by #BlackLives Matter Protesters in #Ferguson

I saw Hempel's tweets last night around 11:30pm Pacific.

Attacks like these, and the fact that Tyrone Harris opened fire on police with a stolen 9mm, need to be the focus of press coverage.

All the rest is a bunch of bull.

At Twitchy, "‘I got swarmed’: Post-Dispatch reporter beaten, robbed while covering Ferguson break-ins."

Black Suspect Tyrone Harris Charged with Assault After Opening Fire on St. Louis County Police

The dude wasn't a "victim" of a "police shooting" during "peaceful protests" in Ferguson.

The fucker opened fire at cops with a stolen 9mm. And this chump was a "good friend" of Michael Brown.

Because social justice.

At the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Northwoods man charged with assault after shootout with police during Ferguson protests":

ST. LOUIS • A Northwoods man shot by police Sunday night during street protests in Ferguson was charged Monday with four counts of assault on police and other charges.

Tyrone Harris, 18, of the 6700 block of Donald Street in Northwoods, was charged with four counts of first-degree assault on a law enforcement officer, five counts of armed criminal action and shooting at or from a motor vehicle. Bail for Harris was set at $250,000 cash.

Police said in court records that at 11:23 p.m., Harris was running in the 9200 block of West Florissant Avenue during street demonstrations and firing shots. Harris fired at least one shot into an officer's vehicle, and that police officer returned fire, the documents say. Officers got out of their car and chased Harris, who fired shots at them as he fled.

Police critically wounded Harris and said they recovered a 9mm Sig Sauer semiautomatic pistol next to his body. Harris was still hospitalized Monday.

Harris has a court date later this month in another case.

He faces charges in St. Louis of stealing a motor vehicle, theft of a firearm and resisting arrest by fleeing. He is scheduled to go on trial in St. Louis Circuit Court on Aug. 31.

According to the complaint filed by a city police officer, Harris is accused of stealing a Dodge Intrepid and a 9 mm semiautomatic pistol from someone who lives on the 1400 block of Union Boulevard on Nov. 3 between 1 a.m. and 7:35 a.m. The next day, an officer saw the car, and other detectives arrived to help keep an eye on the car and set up spike strips. After two police officers tried to pull the car over by activating lights and sirens, the car sped off and went the wrong way down Theodosia Avenue, forcing a car off the road. The Intrepid then hit the spike strips and stopped just over the St. Louis County line.

As an officer approached the car, he observed Harris as he removed the stolen 9mm pistol from his waistband and put it between the seat and console, the complaint said.

Harris admitted to the officer that he had stolen the car and gun, the complaint said.

A trial had been scheduled for July 20, but was postponed because a witness was unavailable, according to court records.
More at London's Daily Mail, "Ferguson is in a state of emergency AGAIN - after police are shot at and shops looted as town marks anniversary of Michael Brown's death."

CNN's Brian Stelter Reports the Death of 'Kathy Lee Gifford's Husband Frank' on Twitter

Sometimes it pays to have some cultural knowledge and perspective. Obviously, Brian Stelter has neither.

At Twitchy, "‘Many things wrong with’ Brian Stelter’s ‘horrific’ tweet regarding NFL Hall of Famer Frank Gifford’s death."

And see the obituary at the Wall Street Journal, "Frank Gifford, Broadcaster and NFL Great, Dies at 84."

Also at the Los Angeles Times, "Appreciation: Frank Gifford was admired in football for composure and sharp mind."

British Sniper Saves Man and His 8-Year-Old Son from ISIS Beheading with Head Shot from 1000 Meters Away

Your feel-good story of the day, at Instapundit, "MORE LIKE THIS, PLEASE: Hero SAS sniper saves father and eight-year-old son from being beheaded by ISIS maniac."

Red State's Erick Erickson Reads Angry Tweets After Diisinviting Donald Trump from Conservative Gathering (VIDEO)

Erickson's widely reviled across the right 'sphere, evidently more so after the whole Donald Trump-Megyn Kelly brouhaha.

Watch, at Telegraph UK, "Here's the moment RedState founder Erick Erickson, who banned Donald Trump from the conservative gathering, reads out the outrageous hate mail he's received from Trump supporters."

And ICYMI, "Red State Closes Comments on Erick Erickson Post Banning Donald Trump from Conservative Gathering."

Target Stores to Move Away from Gender-Based Signs

So far, they're removing gender-based signs for the toy section and bedding. No word on the kids' clothing section, but it won't be long before kids' clothing is totally homogenized, heh.

At CNN, "Target to move away from gender-based signs."

Also at Twitchy, "‘Progressive BS’: Target’s plan to ‘phase out gender-based signs’ in stores earns eyerolls."

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Scores Dead in Wave of Suicide Attacks in Afghanistan

The Taliban claimed responsibility for Saturday's attack, in Afghanistan's northern Kunduz.

At WSJ, "Afghanistan Attacks Kill at Least 77":
KABUL — Violence surged in Afghanistan over the weekend including three separate bombings in the capital Kabul in one day—a wave of attacks that left at least 77 people dead.

It was the first spate of attacks on the capital since deep divisions emerged within the Taliban leadership over who should succeed their spiritual leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar. The insurgents, however, have sought to dismiss talk of any rift after the Afghan government and the Taliban revealed last week that Mullah Omar had been dead for more than two years.

The latest attack struck the northern province of Kunduz on Saturday night. A suicide bomber targeted members of an irregular anti-Taliban militia, killing 25 people, according to a local police spokesman.

The Taliban, who have been battling Afghan forces for control of Kunduz for months, claimed responsibility.

On Friday, three separate attacks jolted Kabul, leaving more than 50 dead in less than 24 hours, according to Afghan and foreign officials. It was the deadliest day in years in the capital. The Taliban claimed responsibility for two out of the three attacks.

Friday’s violence ended a period of relative calm in the Afghan capital, where there hadn’t been a major security breach in more than a month.

The spike in attacks further complicates efforts led by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to broker a peaceful resolution to the 14-year conflict with the Taliban.

“We are still committed to peace but we will respond to such terrorist attacks with full force,” Mr. Ghani said in a statement on Saturday.

The Taliban have formally named a new leader, Mullah Mohammad Akhtar Mansour, who had been effectively in charge of the group for years.

But the appointment was immediately opposed by several senior Taliban, and religious scholars close to the movement are seeking to mediate between the rival factions, say people close to the extremist group.

The series of attacks on Friday began with a truck bomb that exploded near an Afghan military intelligence compound. Fifteen people were killed and around 300 wounded in one of the most powerful explosions to have ever shaken the Afghan capital. It left a deep crater, and caused residential and commercial buildings to collapse, a scale of destruction rarely seen in the city.

Scores of women and children were among the victims.

“Kabul, as the capital, should be an example for security in the country—but that’s not the case,” said Luca Radaelli, the country head of Emergency, an Italian nongovernmental organization that runs three hospitals in Afghanistan.

“The situation is just getting worse.”

No one claimed responsibility for the truck bomb. A Taliban spokesman said the group was assessing whether its fighters were involved...

Also at AP, "Security Tight After Devastating Kabul Attacks," and Reuters, "Suicide attack kills 29 in northern Afghanistan."

PREVIOUSLY: "Afghanistan: At Least Six Dead in First Major Taliban Attack Since Leadership Transition (VIDEO)."

Red State Closes Comments on Erick Erickson Post Banning Donald Trump from Conservative Gathering

This is pretty interesting, especially the aggregation of comments from the Erickson post banning Trump.

 At VDare, "REDSTATE Extends Trump Repression: Freezes Comment Thread":Clearly what has happened is that the volume of negative comments had become overwhelming. Some recent posts:
• Bad move….Kelly and her partners were bent upon getting Trump. Priebus ‘n Rove will be orgasmic over it.

• Erick I am on your side usually but this is a big mistake… Megan Kelly came out with with full intent to smear a leading republican candidate, I have never seen such a disrespectful one sided attack from a debate mediator in my lifetime. Trump handled it well,..If we bow to this you can grantee that CNN, ABC, NBC, etc… pansy media will do the same to any and every candidate we put forward.

• I have lost all respect for you Erick. You are another sellout. You have also fallen into the politically correct trap. • What in the hell were you thinking, Erick? Did the establishment get to you as well? What did they pay you to turn on conservatism and “get in line”? you took a step away from we the people today and a giant leap toward being a part of the ruling class…maybe you want a seat at the table when the Washington Cartel meets next. But one thing is for sure. You made a HUGE miscalculation here.

• I’m sorry, but dis inviting Trump was a mistake. The current GOP line up are RINOs, finger to the wind types, and general compromisers. Trump is the one candidate capable of thwarting Jebs money machine and Roves manipulations without having to make a deal.

• What a sophomoric more, Eric. I’m really stunned at you. Here you have a great forum and could have ask pretty much any question -live- you might have wanted of Trump, but, no. You now fall completely in line with the GOPe and begin to demonstrate where you really stand.
Keep reading.

Hundreds Protest Against Bill to Reform Japan's Peace Constitution (VIDEO)

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to end Japan's pacifist role in international politics, and to do that he needs to change Japan's "peace constitution."

At the Sydney Morning Herald, "Shinzo Abe's 'war' reforms draw wave of Japanese protesters":

Tokyo: They are polite, persistent and determined. Shinzo Abe's constitutional reforms have drawn a wave of protesters on to the streets of Tokyo, a rare occurrence in Japan that could take the shine off what should have been the prime minister's crowning achievement: a package of national security bills to expand the role of its military.

The most controversial aspect of the legislation is a reinterpretation of Japan's pacifist constitution, limiting its military's role to self-defence. The reinterpretation will allow Japanese troops to come to the aid of allies under attack, and fight overseas for the first time since World War II.

"Japanese democracy is in danger right now because of Prime Minister Abe," said Mana Shibata, who is part of a loose network of university students leading the protests. "What we as citizens can do is go on the streets and tell the society and tell the world that we care about our peace that we protected for 70 years since the war."

It comes at a sensitive time. With the milestone anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War II next week, all eyes are on the detail of his anniversary address, expected to be released on Friday.

Carefully combed each year for keywords like "apology", "repentance" and "colonial aggression" – any dilution in language will be considered incendiary by neighbours China and South Korea.

Also at the Japan Times, "Nagasaki bombing remembered, but doubts emerge over anti-war, anti-nuke policy."

Carly Fiorina on 'Meet the Press'

Between the debate last Thursday, and rounds on the Sunday talk shows, Ms. Fiorina's definitely getting the kind of major media exposure that lifts a campaign. And because she's so articulate, it's no doubt she'll be getting a boost in her public approval ratings and support. The question now is how big a boost. Wouldn't that be amazing if she switched places with Donald Trump in the polls?

Watch, at CBS News, "Full interview: Carly Fiorina, August 9."

Hiker is Mauled to Death and Partially Eaten in Grizzly Bear Attack at Yellowstone (VIDEO)

At the Missoulian, Missoula, Montana, "Montana man found dead in Yellowstone attacked, partially consumed by grizzly bear"
BILLINGS – Evidence shows that a hiker found dead in Yellowstone National Park was attacked and partially consumed by a grizzly bear, according to a release from park officials.

Investigators found what appeared to be defensive wounds on the man's forearms, but haven't determined an exact cause of death. Tracks from a female grizzly and at least one cub were found at the scene.

Park officials did not release the hiker's name, but said he's a Montana resident who has worked and lived at Yellowstone for five years and was an experienced hiker.

A park ranger found the man's body on a popular off-trail area about half a mile from the Elephant Back Loop Trail. His body was cached, partially covered in dirt.

The trail and immediate area remain closed.

Officials set bear traps in the area Friday evening. If bears involved in the attack are captured, they will be euthanized...
Not sure if I support putting the bears down. They didn't do anything wrong.

Plus, watch at ABC News, "Hiker Likely Killed by Bear in Yellowstone National Park."

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoons photo Bernie-NRD-600_zpsjzkj2jxe.jpg

Also at Randy's Roundtable, "Friday Nite Funnies," and Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

Cartoon Credit: At Net Right Daily, "Cartoon: Bernie."

Watts Riots: 50 Years Later