Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Feminism’s Attack on Human Nature

At the Other McCain, "Feminism’s Attack on ‘Institutionalized, Normative Heterosexuality’."

And get your copy of Sex Trouble: Essays on Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature.

Robert's working on the second edition. It's gonna be good.

The West Bank's Other Violent Extremists

You had the stabbing death at the gay rights parade, as well as the arson bombing attack that killed a Palestinian baby.

I had a couple of posts, "Israel Braces for Violence, Hamas Rockets, After Palestinian Baby Killed in Firebombing," and "Meir Ettinger, Grandson of Meir Kahane, is Held in Israel."

So, FWIW, here's a look back to Daniel Byman and Natan Sachs's piece from the September/October 2012 issue of Foreign Affairs, "The Rise of Settler Terrorism":
Late this past June, a group of Israeli settlers in the West Bank defaced and burned a mosque in the small West Bank village of Jabaa. Graffiti sprayed by the vandals warned of a "war" over the planned evacuation, ordered by the Israeli Supreme Court, of a handful of houses illegally built on private Palestinian land near the Israeli settlement of Beit El. The torching of the mosque was the fourth such attack in 18 months and part of a wider trend of routine violence committed by radical settlers against innocent Palestinians, Israeli security personnel, and mainstream settler leaders -- all aimed at intimidating perceived enemies of the settlement project.

This violence has not always plagued the settler community. Although many paint all Israeli settlers as extremists, conflating them with the often-justified criticism of Israeli government policy in the West Bank, the vast majority of them oppose attacks against Palestinian civilians or the Israeli state. In the past, Israeli authorities and the settler leadership often worked together to prevent such assaults and keep radicalism at bay. Yet in recent years, the settler movement has experienced a profound breakdown in discipline, with extremists now beyond the reach of either Israeli law enforcement or the discipline of settler leaders.

Nothing justifies violence by extremists of any variety. But to be stopped, it must be understood. The rise in settler radicalism stems from several key factors: the growth of the settler population over the past generation, the diversification of religious and ideological strands among it, and the sense of betrayal felt by settlers following Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005. Israel, through the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other security agencies, must now assert control over groups that no longer respect the state or the traditional settler leadership. Yet just as radical settlers pose an increasing threat, mainstream Israeli society has become more apathetic than ever about the fate of the Palestinians. Negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians remain deadlocked, and even their meaningful resumption, let alone success, seems unlikely in the near future. The Israeli government thus feels little political or diplomatic pressure to confront the extremists.

But with the peace process frozen, what happens under Israeli control matters more, not less. With Israel likely to govern parts of the West Bank for some time, it can no longer shirk its obligations -- to protect not only its own citizens but Palestinian civilians as well -- by claiming that a two-state solution is on the horizon and that the Palestinians will soon assume full responsibility over themselves. And if Israel wants to preserve the possibility of a negotiated peace, it must address this problem before it is too late. Whenever extremist settlers destroy Palestinian property or deface a mosque, they strengthen Palestinian radicals at the expense of moderates, undermining support for an agreement and delaying a possible accord. Meanwhile, each time Israeli leaders cave in to the demands of radical settlers, it vindicates their tactics and encourages ever more brazen behavior, deepening the government's paralysis. In other words, Israeli violence in the West Bank both undermines the ability of Israel to implement a potential deal with the Palestinians and raises questions about whether it can enforce its own laws at home.

Recently, Israeli leaders have begun to recognize the problem. Following extremist vandalism against the IDF and mainstream settler leaders over the past year, some Israeli generals and government ministers began to label radical settlers as terrorists. Now, the Israeli government should translate that bold rhetoric into decisive action. To begin with, it should officially designate the perpetrators of violence as terrorists and disrupt their activities more aggressively. Security agencies should then enforce Israeli law, prosecuting violent settlers as they would terrorists, Palestinian or Israeli. And to slow the tide of radicalism, Israeli leaders must denounce extremists and shun their representatives, placing particular pressure on religious leaders who incite violence. Meanwhile, the United States and other countries seeking to revive the peace talks must encourage Israel to take these steps before things worsen. Washington should itself consider designating violent radical settlers as terrorists and should push Israel to crack down on them. Settler extremism tarnishes Israel's name and imperils its future. Friends of Israel, the Israeli government, and even those who support the settlements in the West Bank should fight back against this dangerous phenomenon...
Keep reading.

RELATED: At the New York Times, "Soul-Searching in Israel After Bias Attacks on Gays and Arabs."

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A French Couple's Love for the American West Ends in Death in the Desert. Their Son Got Lucky.

Not sure what the couple was thinking, but obviously it's not too bright to go hiking at White Sands National Monument, a freakin' boiling summer desert in New Mexico, at 1:00 in the afternoon in 100 degree heat.

But hey, they loved the place.

At least they sacrificed for their kid.

At the New York Times, "A French Couple’s Love for the American West Ends in Tragedy":
PARIS — The family from France was so enthralled by their last visit to the American West that they started planning another almost immediately. On Facebook, they posted pictures of the vast blue skies, the rugged ocher canyons and the endless strips of asphalt that had captivated them.

This year, David and Ornella Steiner, a couple from a quiet town near Reims, about 100 miles east of Paris, returned, starting in Seattle before heading to Santa Fe. A picture posted on Aug. 2 on Mr. Steiner’s Facebook profile showed the vivid electric blue water of a natural pool in Yellowstone Park.

But it was at the White Sands National Monument of New Mexico, a region where beautiful landscapes can conceal dangers quick to surprise even the most prepared visitor, that the Steiners’ new trip took a terrible turn. Last week, the couple was found dead in the desert, apparently from heat-related exhaustion during a hike. Their 9-year-old son, Enzo, was the only one to survive, found alive by park rangers who believe his parents sacrificed water to save him.

The French Foreign Ministry said on Monday that the boy arrived in France over the weekend with his grandmother, who had flown to Albuquerque to bring him home.

Kim Duntze, who worked with Ms. Steiner at the Reims town hall, said in a telephone interview that news of the couple’s death had shocked her co-workers, who all knew about the trip because Ms. Steiner had been planning it for over a year and had discussed it frequently at the office.

“They had fallen in love with the area,” Ms. Duntze said. “It was their dream project.”

The bodies of Mr. Steiner, 42, and his wife Ornella, 51, were found by park rangers last week during a routine patrol. Sheriff Benny House of Otero County told The Alamogordo Daily News on Saturday that two empty 20-ounce water bottles were found with the bodies but that the boy told investigators the bottles were full when the family started the hike.

“The father and mother would take one drink while they made the child take two swallows of water,” Sheriff House said. “It might have been why the child fared so well due to his smaller stature, plus he probably consumed more water than they did.”
Still more.

Natasha Oakley

At London's Daily Mail, "Flaunting the body which made her an Instagram sensation! Natasha Oakley leaves little to the imagination as she hits the beach in monochrome bikini."

And check her out on Instagram.

WATCH: Police Release Surveillance Video in Tyrone Harris Shooting

At the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Surveillance video shows man with gun before he was shot by police during Ferguson protests, authorities say."

#FeeltheBern in Los Angeles: Bernie Sanders Draws 27,000 in Campaign Rally at Sports Arena (VIDEO)

Well, I'm obviously getting a kick out of this, heh.

At Gateway Pundit, "Bernie Sanders Draws FIVE TIMES As Many at Monday Rally as Hillary’s Largest Crowd" (via Memeorandum).

More at the Los Angeles Times, "Why a huge Los Angeles crowd turned out for Bernie Sanders."

PREVIOUSLY: "Bernie Sanders Draws 28,000 People at Moda Center in Portland, Oregon," and "Bernie Sanders Draws 15,000 People at University of Washington."

Orphans of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Appeal to Barack Obama to Exonerate Mother Posthumously

It's Michael Meeropol and Robert Meeropol, writing at the New York Times, "The Meeropol Brothers: Exonerate Our Mother, Ethel Rosenberg." (Via Memeorandum.)

The Rosenbergs were hardline communists, both Julius and Ethel.

Naturally, hard-left historian and nutjob Erik Loomis, at Lawyers, Guns, and Money, makes the absurd claim that the execution of the Rosenbergs was "one of the greatest injustices of the Cold War."

Loomis is a communist who wrote his dissertation on homosexual lumberjacks, so naturally he'd be taking Stalin's side in the debate. Freakin' loser.

So, see John Schindler, at 20 Committee, "The Rosenbergs and Espionage Denial":

Ethel Rosenberg photo Ethel_Rosenberg_mugshot_zpstzus3ham.png
More than six decades after they were executed for spying on behalf of the Soviet Union, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg continue to inspire polemics. Their case had ample drama, embellished by the fact that the doomed couple were the only Americans executed for espionage by the United States during the Cold War. That they left behind two orphaned sons made the case poignant.

They were convicted during the Korean War, which took the lives of over 50,000 Americans who died to stem Soviet aggression, which provided an explanation why the government did not seek leniency, especially because the Rosenbergs had assisted the Soviet nuclear weapons program with their espionage. Moreover, it was obvious that Federal prosecutors wanted Ethel’s cooperation — Julius was the Soviets’ big fish and the government’s case against his wife was weaker than against him — but Ethel, a hardline Communist, rejected that, even when she could have saved her own life for her children’s sake.

Although the Rosenbergs had defenders who pleaded that they were innocent, or at least severely misunderstood, most of them fell silent when the National Security Agency twenty years ago declassified its VENONA project, a top secret code-breaking effort that revealed numerous 1940’s secrets of Soviet espionage against the United States. The unveiling of VENONA, one of the great triumphs of American intelligence, also revealed why Federal prosecutors were so confident in their prosecution of especially Julius Rosenberg. VENONA transcripts made clear that Julius, who appeared in the messages under the Soviet covernames LIBERAL and ANTENNA, wasn’t just a Stalinist true-believer but an important agent of the Soviet secret police who gave Moscow every American secret he could get his hands on.

For all but the most determined denialists, that Julius Rosenberg was a Soviet spy was proved conclusively by VENONA — the ace in the hole for the Feds that they possessed in 1953 but could not show to the jury at the Rosenbergs’ trial, because it was so highly classified. Julius was every bit the traitor that the government said he was, and he had betrayed nuclear secrets to Stalin.

Now the case is back in the news, with Michael and David [Robert] Meeropol, the Rosenberg’s orphaned sons, appealing to President Obama in today’s New York Times to exonerate their mother who, they claim, was unfairly convicted of espionage. Specifically, they want the Obama administration to right what they see as the wrongs of so many decades ago.

“Our mother was not a spy,” the Meeropols flatly state, demanding that President Obama “acknowledge that Ethel Rosenberg was wrongly convicted and executed.” Their case for this is based on the recently released grand jury transcript of David Greenglass, who was the Meeropol’s uncle. Greenglass, Ethel’s brother, was himself a Soviet spy who served almost ten years in Federal prison for betraying atomic secrets to Moscow. One of the most sordid aspects of this sordid case is that Greenglass saved his own skin, and that of his wife, by fingering his own sister.

The newly released grand jury testimony leaves little doubt that Greenglass embellished matters over the decades and his story changed with time (he died last year); he was never an especially reliable witness. On the basis of this the Meeropols protest that their mother was innocent, and to “prove” that they highlight evidence from various sources in a slipshod manner. Although I understand that the Meeropols need to believe that their mother wasn’t a spy for Stalin, the facts to not dear that wish out.

VENONA made very clear what Ethel was up to. I’ve worked with VENONA materials for years, including intercepts never released to the public, and I thereby shut the door on denialism regarding Alger Hiss, another one of Stalin’s spies inside the U.S. government that many on the left simply refused to accept was a traitor, although his guilt was firmly established by VENONA.

Several VENONA messages reveal important facts about Ethel Rosenberg. Number 1657, sent from the KGB’s New York residency to the Center (i.e, HQ) in Moscow on 27 November 1944, is worth citing in detail (for the original see here)...
Keep reading.

Pentagon Report: Taliban Jihadists 'Breached Walls' of Camp Integrity in Latest Kabul Attack

Following-up from Sunday, "Scores Dead in Wave of Suicide Attacks in Afghanistan."

Looks like a pretty extreme deterioration of security over there.

At Twitchy, "Pentagon reports that insurgents made it inside Camp Integrity, Kabul during Friday’s attack."

Bernie Sanders Draws 28,000 People at Moda Center in Portland, Oregon

Damn, he's packing 'em in like a rock star.

At the Portland Oregonian, "Bernie Sanders speaks to packed crowd at Portland's Moda Center."

And at KOIN News 6 Portland:

PREVIOUSLY: "Bernie Sanders Draws 15,000 People at University of Washington."

Rogue Drones

Following-up from last month, "Drones Disrupt Aerial Firefight Drops Over Cajon Pass North Fire (VIDEO)."

And now at the Washington Post, "Rogue drones a growing nuisance across the U.S.":
Rogue drone operators are rapidly becoming a national nuisance, invading sensitive airspace and private property — with the regulators of the nation’s skies largely powerless to stop them.

In recent days, drones have smuggled drugs into an Ohio prison, smashed against a Cincinnati skyscraper, impeded efforts to fight wildfires in California and nearly collided with three airliners over New York City.

Earlier this summer, a runaway two-pound drone struck a woman at a gay pride parade in Seattle, knocking her unconscious. In Albuquerque, a drone buzzed into a crowd at an outdoor festival, injuring a bystander. In Tampa, a drone reportedly stalked a woman outside a downtown bar before crashing into her car.

The altercations are the byproduct of the latest consumer craze: cheap, easy-to-fly, remotely piloted aircraft. Even basic models can soar thousands of feet high and come equipped with powerful video cameras — capabilities that would have been hard to foresee just a few years ago.

Reports began surfacing last year of runaway drones interfering with air traffic and crashing into buildings. But the problem has grown worse as drone sales have surged.

“I’m definitely getting much more concerned about it,” Michael P. Huerta, the head of the Federal Aviation Administration, said in a phone interview Monday. He said the FAA was particularly worried about a surge in reports of drones flying dangerously close to airports. The latest incident came Sunday, when four airline crews reported a brush with a drone on a flight path into Newark International Airport.

Huerta added that the recent interference by drones with California firefighters was “really a wake-up call for a lot of people. This kind of thing has got to stop.”

Drones are an especially beneficial technology when used appropriately --- like in Seal Beach, where lifeguards use drones to prevent shark attacks --- but it's infuriating in cases like the Cajon Pass North Fire, where drone users forced firefighters to shut down operations.

Actually, though, the drone knocking out the homosexual rights activist at the Seattle gay parade is pretty beneficial too, heh.

The Growth of Scholarly Co-Authorship: How Many Scientists Does It Take to Write an Academic Paper?

This is pretty cool, if not a bit absurd.

At WSJ, "Apparently, Thousands: Scientific journals see a spike in number of contributors; 24 pages of alphabetized co-authors":
A Frenchman named Georges Aad may have the most prominent name in particle physics.

In less than a decade, Dr. Aad, who lives in Marseilles, France, has appeared as the lead author on 458 scientific papers. Nobody knows just how many scientists it may take to screw in a light bulb, but it took 5,154 researchers to write one physics paper earlier this year—likely a record—and Dr. Aad led the list.

His scientific renown is a tribute to alphabetical order.

Almost every paper by “G. Aad et al.” involves so many researchers that they decided to always list themselves in alphabetical order. Their recent paper, published in the journal Physical Review Letters, features 24 pages of alphabetized co-authors led by Dr. Aad. There is no way to tell how important each contributor might be.

“Basically, this guy has won the academic lottery,” said Vincent Larivière, a professor of information science at the University of Montreal who studies scholarly communications.

From Aad to Zoccoli, these physicists, who conduct experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, are a measure of an accelerating trend in science—the growth in the number of people who get credits.

In fact, there has been a notable spike since 2009 in the number of technical reports whose author counts exceeded 1,000 people, according to the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, which analyzed citation data. In the ever-expanding universe of credit where credit is apparently due, the practice has become so widespread that some scientists now joke that they measure their collaborators in bulk—by the “kilo-author.”

Earlier this year, a paper on rare particle decay published in Nature listed so many co-authors—about 2,700—that the journal announced it wouldn’t have room for them all in its print editions. And it isn’t just physics. In 2003, it took 272 scientists to write up the findings of the first complete human genome—a milestone in biology—but this past June, it took 1,014 co-authors to document a minor gene sequence called the Muller F element in the fruit fly.

“There was a joke that anyone who had ever seen a fruit fly got to be an author,” said neuroethologist Zen Faulkes at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, who tracks the spiraling number of scientific co-authors.

The exponential growth has a number of causes, one of which is that experiments have gotten more complicated. But scientists say that mass authorship makes it harder to tell who did what and who deserves the real credit for a breakthrough—or blame for misconduct.

More than vanity is at stake. Credit on a peer-reviewed research article weighs heavily in hiring, promotion and tenure decisions. “Authorship has become such a big issue because evaluations are performed based on the number of papers people have authored,” said Dr. Larivière.

Usually, the position of first author confers the most prestige, identifying the person who contributes the most to a research enterprise. The last author is usually the senior scientist who oversees the experiment.

Even before Dr. Aad and his fellow physicists adopted their alphabetical order, there have been unorthodox approaches to ranking co-authors. The co-authors of a 1974 paper in the Journal of Animal Ecology ranked themselves by playing a croquet tournament, according to a footnote. The authors of a 1998 paper in the journal Molecular Ecology arranged the order of co-authors “by proximity to tenure decisions,” according to their acknowledgments.

But now the sheer numbers are prompting scientists to come up with new ways to keep track. Some researchers are developing computer software to decipher the taxonomy of scientific credit. “The challenges are quite substantial,” said Marica McNutt, editor in chief of the journal Science. “The average number of authors even on a typical paper has doubled.”
Keep reading.

Monday, August 10, 2015

U.S Coast Guard Unloads $1 Billion in Seized Cocaine in San Diego (VIDEO)

Yes, but border security is racist!

At the San Diego Union-Tribune, "$1 BILLION of cocaine unloaded in San Diego":

The crew of the USCG Stratton unloaded 34-tons of cocaine that it brought to San Diego after a four month operation in the Eastern Pacific off the coast of Central and South America involving the US Navy, DEA and other partner agencies. 39 seperate seizures from fishing boats, pangas and a few semi-submersibles yielded the large quantity of contraband. Officials put the wholesale value of the drugs at $1 billion.
Total seizures for the year are up to $1.8 billion, at LAT, "U.S. Coast Guard shows off $1-billion worth of seized cocaine."

PREVIOUSLY: "U.S. Coast Guard Seizes Homemade Submersible Vessel Carrying Eight Tons of Cocaine (VIDEO)."

Pennsylvanian Woman Sparks Controversy After Posting Photo of Herself Breastfeeding Friend's Son

She was "wet nursing" both her own son and a friend's son at the same time, calling them "milk siblings."

She posted a photo to a breastfeeding community page, but got a split verdict, needless to say.

At London's Daily Mail, "'It's a special bond between us all': Mother sparks debate on social media after posting a photo of herself breastfeeding her son... and a friend's child she was babysitting."

She's no doubt a progressive Democrat.

ADDED: From ABC News, "'Milk Siblings' Breast-Feeding Photo Sparks Controversy."

Ty Glocks Thug Life Facebook Account!

I posted Got News' entry to the sidebar, but this Tyrone Harris' "Ty Glocks" Facebook page is getting mainstream media coverage in the local news.

AT KPLR News 11 St. Louis, "Tyrone Harris showed off guns on Facebook, was out on bond for other felony charges":

FERGUSON, MO (KPLR) – Tyrone Harris, Jr. showed off guns on Facebook, was out on bond for other felony charges.

18-year-old Tyrone Harris, Jr. was released on bond for a different felony case, before the August 9, 2015 gun battle.   He`s now charged with ten additional felonies including 1st degree assault on law enforcement officers. Minutes before his shooting, we were at the front line when we heard about looting at a strip mall one parking lot over. That’s where the gunfight broke out.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar called it ‘a remarkable amount of gunfire.’

Police said Harris shot at them. Belmar added, ‘The plain clothed detectives returned fire from the inside of their van.’

Harris survived and was transported to a hospital. Police said he was carrying a stolen 9 mm handgun. Belmar said, ‘The suspect`s gun was stolen in 2014 from Cape Girardeau.’

We`ve confirmed with police sources, the Facebook page of Tyrone Harris. He calls himself TY Glocks. He`s posted dozens of pictures with him holding guns, often posting them with the #pistolgang. His last post was about an hour before the shooting. It said “I (expletive) around go on West Florissant tonight.”

The gun battle started after reported looting at 10:20 pm. St. Louis County Police swarmed West Florissant. FOX2 had two crews on the ground. After more reported looting, away from the protest line, at least 30 shots rang out...
And on Facebook.

Protesters Shut Down Interstate 70 in St. Louis

Our old nemesis Cassandra the Israel-bashing racist is on the scene, "Car just plowed through protesters #Ferguson."

And at Twitchy, "‘Awesome’: Driver breaks through human chain of protesters blocking I-70 in Ferguson [videos]."

More at Gateway Pundit, "Breaking: #BlackLivesMatter Mob Shuts Down I-70 Both Ways in St. Louis – Driver Plows Through Line (VIDEO)."

BONUS: At CNN, "Protesters block interstate near Ferguson."

ADDED: From Joe Biden's Hairplugs, "Black lives don't matter on I-70. Run those fuckers over."

Islamic Father Lets Daughter Drown Rather Than Be Rescued by Lifeguards, Lest They 'Dishonor' Her

He didn't want her being touched by "strange men."

Islam is a disease of untold death.

At the Mirror UK, "Father let daughter drown rather than be rescued by male lifeguards because it would 'dishonour' her."

London's Daily Mail won't call the man "Muslim." He's an "Asian" instead, labeled so as to avoid a Charli Hebdo attack on the Mail's headquarters, obviously.

But see Bare Naked Islam, "‘ISLAMOMANIA’ IN ACTION: Muslim father lets daughter drown rather than have her touched by ‘male’ rescuers":
“Two rescue men were at the beach, and they rushed to help the girl. “However, there was one obstacle which prevented them from reaching the girl and helping her. “This obstacle was the belief of this Muslim man who considered that if these men touched his daughter, then this would dishonour her. It cost him the life of his daughter.’

“The father was a tall and strong man. He started pulling and preventing the rescue men and got violent with them. “He told them that he prefers his daughter being dead than being touched by a strange man. So she died. The woman’s father was arrested and faces criminal charges. (Nothing will happen to him because this is allowed under the sharia)
ADDED: Also from Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "TO LIVE AND DIE IN THE BIZARRO WORLD: In Dubai, Father Keeps Lifeguards from Rescuing Drowning Daughter to ‘Save Her Honor’: The father “who is apparently very strong — restrained the lifeguards from doing their job because ‘he prefers his daughter being dead than being touched by a strange man.’”"


Bernie Sanders Draws 15,000 People at University of Washington

Hillary Clinton's not drawing anywhere near these kinds of crowds.

At the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "Bernie Sanders draws 15,000 people at UW, state’s biggest political crowd since 2010 Obama visit":
The cheering for Sen. Bernie Sanders began outside the UW’s Hec Edmundson Pavilion on Saturday night, as Sanders talked to the 3,000 supporters who couldn’t get in, before giving a rip roaring populist speech to the 12,000 supporters inside the basketball arena.

Sanders was blocked from speaking at a Social Security anniversary celebration earlier in the day at Westlake Center, due to a disruption by Black Lives Matter protesters similar to one that greeted him at NetRoots Nation in Phoenix three weeks ago.

If the boorish, disjointed protest had not blocked him, the Westlake crowd would have heard Sanders talk knowledgeably about unemployment among African American youth, raising wages for the working poor, America’s high incarceration rate and the need for prison reform. He held forth later at the UW

“Too many young lives are being destroyed by the so-called ‘War on Drugs’,” the Democratic presidential candidate declared.  “Too many lives are being destroyed by our system of incarceration.” And, pledged Sanders, “No President will fight harder to end the stain of racism and reform our criminal justice system. Period.”

President Sanders?  The East Coast pundit class cannot grasp that a self-identified “democratic socialist,” from a tiny state, who has been preaching against corporate power in his Brooklyn accents for 50 years, could possibly mount a credible bid for the White House.  Tens of thousands of people, turning out at rallies across the country, beg to disagree...
Sanders is a buffoon, but his campaign's good for democracy, frankly. He's providing a real and significantly credible alternative to Clinton, and he's campaigning the old-fashioned way, exactly the opposite of what stage-managed Clinton's doing.

PREVIOUSLY: "Bernie Sanders Shut Down by #BlackLivesMatter Protesters (VIDEO)."

'True Detective' Season 2 Grand Finale

I enjoyed the series, although there was a lot of minimalist language with a lot of teaser lead-in suspense kind of drama, which had me confused for the first few episodes, but after about the 7th episode I could better piece it all together. Of course, by that time the season was almost over. Still, I liked it. And especially liked the acting.

Some reviews, at Esquire, "'True Detective' Season 2 Finale - 'Omega Station' Recap," and the Daily Beast, "‘True Detective’ Season 2’s Fatal Finale: Why Nic Pizzolatto’s Show Will Be Hailed as a Cult Classic."

More at WSJ, "‘True Detective’ Season 2 Finale Recap: ‘Omega Station’":

So that’s how one of the most divisive, scrutinized and debated seasons in recent television history ends — with bullets, hearbreak and survival. Did it leave you satisfied?

For all its faults, the gonzo, gripping, silly, bleak and dense L.A. noir season of Nic Pizzolatto‘s “True Detective” ultimately made for entertaining television. Even the viewers and critics who ended up disliking what this season had to offer were “hate watching” to see what kind of crazy stuff would happen next (a guy in a bird mask shooting someone; an “Eyes Wide Shut”-style sex party) or what advanced vocabulary word (apoplectic, stridency, etc.) would come out of Frank Semyon’s (Vince Vaughn) mouth next. Even its detractors would likely admit, however, that the second season built some momentum in its second half. Would that continue in the 90-minute season finale, though?

Amy Willerton Tribute to the '90s (VIDEO)

At FHM, "FHM Sexy Shorts Presents: A Sexy Tribute to the '90s with Amy Willerton."

How Hatred of the Jewish State Created the Red-Green Alliance

From Joseph Puder, at FrontPage Magazine, "The nexus of genocidal Islamists and hypocritical leftists":

The Jerusalem Post headlined the following in its culture section on July 12, 2015, “Irish Dance Competition canceled due to BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) Pressure.” The Israeli “feis” (Irish Dance Competition) website was attacked by a radical political group called Irish-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) led by Raymond Deane, Kevin Squires, and Amanda Crawford. The first-ever Irish dance festival set to take place in Tel Aviv, Israel was cancelled due to a campaign of terrorist–like threats to performers, the school, students and parents. The IPSC website proudly featured a congratulatory message from Omar Barghouti, the Palestinian co-founder of the BDS movement.

The underlying truth about this story is that Irish leftists have banded together with Arab Islamists in a show of blind hatred toward the Jewish state. Of all the violators of human rights worldwide, the Irish-leftists condemn and seek to eviscerate only one “violator” – Israel. They have not threatened to punish Irish performers going anywhere else in the world except to Israel. According to the likes of Deane, Squires, and Crawford, the Assad regime in Syria, with the blood of 250,000 civilians is legitimate. Iran, whose ayatollahs hangs gays and lesbians, and oppress its Kurdish, Baluch, and Arab minorities, is fine as well. Turkey’s brutal suppression of its Kurdish minority is not a problem. China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Myanmar, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe, to name a few, all gross violators of human rights, are exempt by IPSC. Only Israel is guilty.

“Human rights must take precedence over trade,” proclaims the IPSC website, yet the only country that observes human rights and religious freedom in the Middle East is Israel. Only in Israel are Arabs free. Palestinian-Arab-Muslims make life for gays, lesbians and Christians impossible. There are numerous stories of gays who fled to Israel after being tortured by the Palestinian Authority. According to Yossi Klein Halevi, “One young man discovered to be gay was forced by the Palestinian Authority police to stand in sewage water up to his neck, his head covered by a sack filled with feces, and he was then thrown into a dark cell infested with insects. During one interrogation, Palestinian police stripped him and forced him to sit on a Coke bottle. When he was released he fled to Israel.”

The Gatestone Institute International Policy Council, reported (February 15, 2012) that ”In recent years the Christian population has declined not only numerically, but also as a proportion of the overall population (in the Palestinian Authority areas and Gaza). This decline has been due to a number of factors: Christian emigration, a higher Muslim birthrate, poor economic conditions, the rise of Islamist groups, especially Hamas and Islamic Jihad, growing insecurity, the use made of Christian towns such as Beit Jala as a base by Palestinian fighters for sniping against Israeli areas in Jerusalem, and Christian concern about their fate in the political future.”

The Palestinian legal and judicial system does not provide protection for Christian land owners, and enforces discrimination in educational, cultural, and taxation policies against Christians. Religious freedom in the Palestinian controlled territories is a wish, not a reality. Christians have suffered harassment, intimidation and maltreatment at the hands of the Palestinian-Muslim authorities. Christian businessmen have been extorted, and their property confiscated. Christian women have been abused and raped with impunity. Christian girls are “abducted, and have been subjected to forced marriages with Muslims,” which also means forced conversion to Islam. There have also been attempts to impose the Islamic dress code on Christian women.

The IPSC website is replete with circulars heralding: “Remember the Children of Gaza,” but do they remember that for years the children of Israel had to stay in bomb-shelters because Hamas in Gaza targeted their schools and kindergartens?  Does the BDS movement or IPSC bother to present the facts about Gaza?  How about the 10,000 rockets fired from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians? When Israel finally retaliated against the Hamas jihadists who share the same ideology as ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the Muslim Brotherhood, (establishing a global Caliphate and making Islam reign everywhere) Hamas criminally and deliberately used women and children as human shields. Hamas counted on the fact that Israel would never intentionally target innocent civilians, especially children.

Barghouti’s BDS calls for: an end to Israel’s “occupation of Palestinian and other Arab territories since 1967, including dismantling the Wall and colonies; an end to Israel’s system of racial discrimination against Palestinian citizens; and respecting the UN-sanctioned, fundamental right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.” Barghouti, who advocates academic boycott of Israeli universities, has himself received an MA degree from Tel Aviv University. The same Barghouti rejects the two-state solution or any deal between the Palestinians and Israel on that basis.

The New York Daily News (February 25, 2013) had this to say about Barghouti: “skilled as a propagandist, he piles falsehood upon falsehood to present Israel as relentlessly oppressing the Palestinians in violation of human decency, and to hold Israel exclusively responsible for the ills afflicting them.”

It is apparent that Barghouti and the BDS movement seek to delegitimize the Jewish state and bring about its demise. The “right of return” of the Palestinian refugees to Israel is a formula devised to bring about an end to the Jewish state. Jewish refugees from the Arab states, more numerous than the Palestinians, were settled in Israel. Palestinian refugees should have been allowed citizenship in Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. Instead, Barghouti’s Arab-Muslim brothers chose to use them as a political tool and Barghouti is doing no less.
Keep reading.