Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Christopher Lane Murder Update — Dramatic 911 Call From 'Thrill-Kill' Murder Scene

Picking up on story of the murdered Australian ballplayer, here's Moonbatty, "What Australians Ought to Be Boycotting":
In Australia, moonbats like former Australian deputy prime minister Tim Fischer are milking the Chris Lane shooting for all they can get, calling for a boycott of travel to the USA to punish us for upholding the right to bear arms. But it wasn’t a gun that killed Chris Lane for no particular reason so much as it was an ideology and a subculture, both exported from corrupted parts of the country into the otherwise decent town of Duncan, Oklahoma.
Yeah, a subculture alright, a "black" subculture of nihilism and death. And recall, "Just 'Three Bored Teens'? No, It's 'Three Bored BLACK Teens' Who Gunned Down Australian Ballplayer 'For the Fun of It...'"

More at the New York Post, "Chilling 911 call reveals moments after Australian baseball player was shot by 'bored' Oklahoma teens."

Click that link to listen.

And see Jammie Wearing Fools, "Three Teens Who Could Look Like Obama’s Son Murder Australian Man, NRA Gets Blamed," and "Jesse Jackson Frowns Upon Execution Murder of Christopher Lane."

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Bradley Manning Gets 35 Years

But he could be out in 10, the damned traitor.

At at WaPo, "Judge sentences Bradley Manning to 35 years."

Read it at the link, then gasp at more Scott Lame-ieux idiocy at Lawyers, Gangs and Murder:
And as I said before, it’s particularly appalling when you consider the Obama administration’s “look forward not back” approach on torture. It’s hard to square this life-ruining sentence with the fact that no torturer was even considered worthy of being charged. I’d also say that at this point that it’s pretty hard to the American government to complain when other countries refuse to extradite whistleblowers.

More outrage --- OUTRAGE! --- at the long-out-of-power Bush-Cheney war cabal. The U.S. waterboarded exactly three terrorist suspects, and such techniques helped the Obama administration track down and kill Osama bin Laden.

But never mind that. Lame-ieux's stuck on stupid, calling for so-last-decade war crimes tribunals. Derp.

Professor Brian Rathbun Pulls 'Intellectual Jailbait: Networking at APSA' at Duck of Minerva

"Excuse me, miss? I think you dropped your APSR."*

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Not only has Professor Rathbun pulled his post, he's also resigned as a contributor to the blog. See, "Dear Readers."

And what horrible --- HORRIBLE!! -- crime was committed by Professor Rathbun? Well, he wrote a rather milquetoast essay about networking at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, entitled "Intellectual Jailbait: Hunting for Underage Ideas at APSA." (Or thereabouts.)

That sounds just awful, I know --- especially given the tender sensibilities of leftist academics, by which even the tiniest, eensy-weeniest squeak of confident male opinion is eliminated faster than an elderly Jew at Auschwitz. But read it for yourself, or at least read what's said to be a "reconstruction" of what Professor Rathbun wrote, at Will Moore's blog, "Reconstruction of Removed Rathbun Post." And for the life of me, I'm at a stretch to find something really offensive. And even if the references to "slut" are halting, aren't they being used metaphorically, and if so, are they that offensive as to warrant crucifixion of the blogger? Well, apparently so. I'd hazard a guess on the offending passage:
But generally I think most of us go about it the wrong way. I spent a lot of time chasing down the big names – Keohane, Russett, Lake – thinking that if I could just sit down with them and convince them of my brilliance, I would be set. I’d have a big name set of letter writers and the job offers would come pouring in as some eminence grise worked the phones for me.

Maybe this works for some people, but it never really worked for me. Russett was very cordial but a bit guarded, Keohane grudgingly acceptant of my existence, and Lake never responded to my emails. And worse, it made me feel like a slut. Worse – an ugly slut who no one even wanted to sleep with. An unsuccessful slut. A virgin slut.
The irredeemably sexist faux pax passage in bold.

But go back and read the whole thing for the context.

The post isn't about women and it's not about anything of a sexual nature. It is about superordinate-subordinate relations, so thus placing such hierarchies in a gendered/sexist frame certainly didn't earn the professor any accolades. Indeed, from what I'm reading at the mea culpas and related commentaries, they guy pretty much got the standard treatment from the commissars of leftist fever swamp totalitarianism (he was mercilessly flayed, in other words). I have no clue if the Duck of Minerva commentariat is composed of mostly tenured radicals, but no matter. It could be a bunch of gaga wannabe political science undergrads unsheathing the knives. The end result is the same: There will be blood.

But again, read around for yourself. Here's Professor Rathbun, "Why I Pulled the Post." It's a poorly written entry, hardly edited, if at all. And it's not that apologetic or explanatory, and it certainly didn't feed the rabble in the comments, for example:
Instead of apologizing for your sexist language and imagery, you apologized for the offense that it caused. Instead of apologizing for contributing to the shitty environment for women in academia, you point out that your true message was lost. This is a textbook non-apology apology.
I can just imagine dozens of comments just like that at the original post, which is of course deleted. And the funny thing is, the comment's author writes anonymously, with the screen-name "Concerned." I know. Take a moment to shake off the lulz. Professor Rathbun's been banished by a horde of anonymous banshee concern trolls. Don't you just hate love the Internet?

That said, here's another one, from Professor Adrienne LeBas of American University:
As others have pointed out, you are again apologizing for others taking offense -- not for perpetuating stereotypes and modes of interaction that actually have concrete, deleterious effects on real people.
Oh brother. And these are your intellectual betters?

I could go on about that, but another commenter beat me to the punch:
The "I'm offended" card is one of the most common power plays in academia, and I'm surprised that Brian didn't see this coming.

My advice when dealing with my female and minority colleagues is to assume that they will interpret anything you say in the most negative light possible. Keep your conversations with them short and anodyne.

Academe nowadays (more than ever) is the egg-shells realm of the perpetually aggrieved. Who wants to be around it? I mean seriously. You can't speak your mind. And you especially can't speak your mind if you're a man. There's nothing you dare say that won't be spun into something so objectionable by the leftist thought police that you won't be on your knees begging for absolution, if not your job. It's just depressing. Or, it's depressing if you fall for that sh*t. I don't. And it's a good thing. I learned to be a little less "sensitive" about such things precisely from blogging. I mean, I didn't even have to say anything that could be objectively considered as "sexist" before I was labeled the worse sexual harasser since Democrat President William Jefferson Clinton. Oh, that's probably not the best example, since the-dude-who-came-on-the-blue-dress got a pass from the "progressive" police state feminists of the day. (Maybe Bob Filner's a better example. He's on the way out now, within days, I'm sure.)

In any case, don't miss Professor Charli Carpenter's outpouring of sympathy (wherein she deigns to throw American Power a link), "I Wear My Egg In Solidarity: Thoughts on the Perils of Academic Blogging."

Having previously gone a few rounds with Professor Carpenter I'm reluctant to gainsay her comments. I will say, however, that she's very careful at the post, apropos of someone obviously feeling personal obligation --- of some sort --- to appease the Duck's violent, unwashed, politically correct academic two-minute-hate mob.

Oh, lest I forget, there's more on Professor Carpenter here, "Dr. Charli Carpenter and the Laws of War." (It goes without saying I couldn't give a sh*t what the Duck of Minerva commentariat thinks of it.)


* The quote is cribbed from Professor Moore's blog.

Behind the Investigation of Benazir Bhutto's Assassination

From Heraldo Muñoz, at Foreign Affairs, "Getting Away With Murder":

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On the evening of December 28, the day after former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, Javed Iqbal Cheema, a retired brigadier general and spokesperson for Pakistan’s Ministry of the Interior, gave a televised press conference to set out the cause of her death as well as to name those responsible for the shooting and suicide bomb attack. He announced that Bhutto had died from an injury sustained when she hit her head on a lever of the specially designed escape hatch of the vehicle in which she had been touring. He also announced that Baitullah Mehsud, who was leader of the Pakistani Taliban at the time, and al Qaeda were responsible for the attack. As evidence, he presented an intercepted telephone conversation in Pashto, purportedly between Mehsud and a man named Maulvi Sahib, in which Mehsud was heard congratulating Maulvi on “a spectacular job.”

Cheema had been given his talking points by the Director General of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, who had attended a briefing at military general headquarters with Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s president at the time, and the directors of Pakistan’s other intelligence services. The remarks were met with widespread public outrage and media skepticism. Bhutto’s party, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), and others accused the government of a cover-up. Especially doubtful, many believed, was the sudden and timely appearance of the telephone intercept, as well as the speed with which its contents were analyzed and interpreted. One senior policeman we interviewed during UN investigation said, “In 24 years of service, I have never seen such spontaneous appearance of evidence.” Many also challenged the idea that Bhutto had not been shot, and questioned how quickly that purported analysis had been done. Numerous senior PPP officials believed that, in an effort to demean Bhutto, the government wanted to imply that she had caused her own death by emerging from her vehicle to salute the crowd.

What followed in the days and months ahead tore Pakistan apart and destabilized the region...
Continue reading. For example, here:
The pervasive presence of the ISI and other intelligence agencies in all spheres of Pakistani life in Pakistan, their ongoing ties with Islamist groups that engage in violence, their involvement in past elections, and their systemic practice of unauthorized wiretapping of not only suspected terrorists and other criminals but also politicians, journalists, and social activists have lent support to the suspicion in Pakistani society, and in the international community, that the ISI, in some shape or form, was involved in the assassination of Bhutto.
And the dude's book is here, Getting Away with Murder: Benazir Bhutto's Assassination and the Politics of Pakistan.

'I was told to drink whiskey and smoke to sound more like a man' — Seattle Anchor Jean Enersen Celebrates 45 Years in Television News

I love this story, at London's Daily Mail, "'I was told to drink whiskey and smoke to sound more like a man': Female anchor celebrating 45TH YEAR in TV news reflects on how her job has changed."

There's video of Ms. Enerson at that link.

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Amazing Jessica Davies

On Twitter:

And at Egotastic!, "Jessica Davies Kinky in Black for Ta-Ta-Tuesdays."

Bizarre Video: Copperhead Rattler Bites Itself After Decapitation

It's just weird how much the remnant body keeps moving anyway, and then the head just bites its former body?


At, "Copperhead bites itself after Huntsville man decapitates it."

More, "After Huntsville man films beheaded copperhead biting itself, authorities say best to leave snakes alone."

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

So I'm Watching PBS's 'Life of Muhammad'

It's on right now.

It's a politically correct program offering a sanitized version of Islam and Muhammed. Nonie Darwish made a brief appearance about 15 minutes ago, but I haven't seen Robert Spencer, who's clearly the most important expert on the truth about Muhammad.

But see the Los Angeles Times, FWIW, "Review: PBS' 'Life of Muhammad' an earnest effort to enlighten."

I mean, really. Tariq Ramadan and Karen Armstrong? Boy, that's really bringing in the diverse voices, lol.

NSA Surveillance Scours 75 Percent of All U.S. Internet Traffic

Here's that piece everybody was tweeting earlier this evening, behind the WSJ's paywall, I come to find out.

See, "New Details Show Broader NSA Surveillance Reach: Programs Cover 75% of Nation's Traffic, Can Snare Emails" (via Google):

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WASHINGTON—The National Security Agency—which possesses only limited legal authority to spy on U.S. citizens—has built a surveillance network that covers more Americans' Internet communications than officials have publicly disclosed, current and former officials say.

The system has the capacity to reach roughly 75% of all U.S. Internet traffic in the hunt for foreign intelligence, including a wide array of communications by foreigners and Americans. In some cases, it retains the written content of emails sent between citizens within the U.S. and also filters domestic phone calls made with Internet technology, these people say.

The NSA's filtering, carried out with telecom companies, is designed to look for communications that either originate or end abroad, or are entirely foreign but happen to be passing through the U.S. But officials say the system's broad reach makes it more likely that purely domestic communications will be incidentally intercepted and collected in the hunt for foreign ones.

The programs, code-named Blarney, Fairview, Oakstar, Lithium and Stormbrew, among others, filter and gather information at major telecommunications companies. Blarney, for instance, was established with AT&T Inc., T +0.24% former officials say. AT&T declined to comment.

This filtering takes place at more than a dozen locations at major Internet junctions in the U.S., officials say. Previously, any NSA filtering of this kind was largely believed to be happening near points where undersea or other foreign cables enter the country.

Details of these surveillance programs were gathered from interviews with current and former intelligence and government officials and people from companies that help build or operate the systems, or provide data. Most have direct knowledge of the work.

The NSA defends its practices as legal and respectful of Americans' privacy. According to NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines, if American communications are "incidentally collected during NSA's lawful signals intelligence activities," the agency follows "minimization procedures that are approved by the U.S. attorney general and designed to protect the privacy of United States persons."

As another U.S. official puts it, the NSA is "not wallowing willy-nilly" through Americans' idle online chatter. "We want high-grade ore."

To achieve that, the programs use complex algorithms that, in effect, operate like filters placed over a stream with holes designed to let certain pieces of information flow through. After the 2001 terrorist attacks, NSA widened the holes to capture more information when the government broadened its definition of what constitutes "reasonable" collection, according to a former top intelligence official.

The NSA's U.S. programs have been described in narrower terms in the documents released by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. One, for instance, acquires Americans' phone records; another, called Prism, makes requests for stored data to Internet companies. By contrast, this set of programs shows the NSA has the capability to track almost anything that happens online, so long as it is covered by a broad court order.

The NSA programs are approved and overseen by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. NSA is required to destroy information on Americans that doesn't fall under exceptions to the rule, including information that is relevant to foreign intelligence, encrypted, or evidence of a crime.
Read the whole thing at that Google link.

And as I always say, I don't mind so much that I'm being tracked and filtered by warrantless surveillance. What bothers me is how much this administration had to lie about, particularly after Barack Hussein and idiot leftists screamed bloody murder during the Bush years.

In any case, here's a flashback to June, "Obama Administration Surveillance Regime: Most Breathtaking Violations of Civil Liberties in U.S. History."

BONUS: More at Zero Hedge, "How The NSA Scours 75% Of The Nation's Internet Traffic - In One Chart."

Gisele Bündchen is World's Richest Model

At the New York Post, "Gisele Bündchen is the world's richest catwalker, raking in a whopping $42M last year alone."

And from the comments on Facebook:
Ok lots of these models are from other countries....I don't hear ppl yelling 'THEY ARE STEALING OUR JOBS"... don't we US have beautiful women... just saying...

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This is How Stupid the 'Debate' on Crime Has Become...

Just unreal.

Three black thugs gun down an Australian ballplayer and the debate's over gun control?

You could impose a total ban on gun ownership and criminal black thugs like these three mf's would still have guns, and they'd still gun down the innocent "just for fun."

Again, the left will have blood on its hands when good and decent citizens rise up and say enough of this sh*t. Things are coming to resolution in this country. And screw the Australians if they want to descend into PC barbarism. That's their problem.

Mr. Lane didn't "pass away" in a "senseless killing." He was brutally murdered by racist criminal black thugs who've been given the run of America's cities by a PC culture that's the bane of civilization.

Earlier, "Just 'Three Bored Teens'? No, It's 'Three Bored BLACK Teens' Who Gunned Down Australian Ballplayer 'For the Fun of It...'"

'People hide behind a computer screen, and there is no accountability whatsoever. You think using Facebook is bad? For teens, this is a feeding frenzy in shark-infested waters without a cage. You have chum all over the place and you are dropped right in the middle...'

The right-on quote from Sandy Cowles, a former teacher and stay-at-home mom in Irvine, at the Los Angeles Times, " New social site, same bullying."

So far five teen suicides are linked to, but I'm out of the loop on this one. Ima check with my 17-year-old to see what'sup.

The 'Overblown Reaction' to Arrest of David Miranda

From the formidable British neoconservative Douglas Murray, "The reaction to David Miranda’s detention is completely ridiculous":
It may not have been the smartest move to detain David Miranda, the Brazilian partner of Guardian ‘journalist’ Glenn Greenwald, under the Terrorism Act.  But the explosion of righteous anger over the episode is ridiculous.

Starting with the outraged claim that Miranda was arrested only because of his connection with Greenwald. Wrong. Greenwald himself has previously told journalists that his partner assists him in his work. That present ‘work’ consists of engineering the leak of massive amounts of classified intelligence from a source – Edward Snowden – currently granted asylum in Moscow. Greenwald’s partner was travelling through London from a meeting using plane-tickets paid for by the Guardian and – it now transpires – appears to have been carrying files from Snowden. So all those ‘this could happen to any of us’ pieces are only really relevant if you happen to use your partner as a mule for industrial-scale sabotage against states you’re planning to travel to.

However, it seems to have become a variety of received wisdom that the rights we now enjoy should include the right to steal and publish vast amounts of secret intelligence that damages the intelligence-gathering abilities and thus the future national security of the UK and our allies. Crucially, it seems to be believed, if we exercise this right to steal we must also be entirely free from harassment by the countries we are targeting.  Perhaps in future this lovely set of presumptions will come to be known to as the new ’Miranda rights’?

Like Julian Assange, Snowden, Greenwald et al fall into that class of person who when people ask, ‘who has the right to know’ answers ‘we do.’ In particular they think that they know better than any security service what should and should not be in the public domain and how best a country should carry out surveillance. Except they don’t. And it’s not their point anyway. None of these new ‘freedom of information’ campaigners are ‘journalists’ working for this or any high-minded goal. They are simple saboteurs with an increasingly clear and specific anti-Western agenda. It is wrong to say that they don’t care how hampered our intelligence services might be as a result. They do care. They want them to be hampered.
Well, they're cyber-terrorists and traitors. No need to go wobbly on the point.

But continue reading.

'Red Hot' Louise Mensch Update

I had an angry drive-by commenter pushing back hard against Louise Mensch at last night's post --- which was about Glenn Greenwald, not Ms. Mensch, which the commenter ignored in order to blast any good word for the former Conservative MP.

So she wanted to rise up the Tory hierarchy, with her sights on a possible bid for No. 10 Downing? The horrors!

In any case, here's an update, "10 Rules for Red Hot Women."

And from the interview at Red Hot Magazine:
As a novelist she wrote bestsellers, as an MP she grilled the Murdochs and as a blogger she is reinventing feminism. Saska Graville meets the unstoppable Louise Mensch at her new home in New York.
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And see her latest piece at Telegraph UK, "David Miranda detention: Why I believe the Guardian has smeared Britain's security services."

'I am so sick of people like Daily Beast author Patricia Murphy smearing Republicans like Ted Cruz...'

Patricia Murphy's not so quick on her feet, as I indicated sometime back on Twitter, after she got her ass handed to her by Melissa Francis on Fox News.

So I'm LOL at this William Jacobson post at Legal Insurrection, "The creepy Daily Beast headline is all that matters":
This is all part of the crazying of Ted Cruz by liberal publications like the Daily Beast. It doesn’t matter what the substance is, they just want to associate the word “creepy” with Ted Cruz in the minds of the public, many of whom don’t read past the headline.
Well, while Ms. Murphy might not be so smart, she's sure got the leftist smear program down.

Joy Reid, MSNBC Race Huckster and Leftist Clown, Finds 'Neo-Confederate Thread' in Gun Rights Groups

The 50th anniversary of the "I Have a Dream" speech is coming up this weekend, and Joy Reid is screaming RAAAAACISM! yet again.

Rank progressive exploitation of a non-issue, and she's an ugly POS as well. There, I said it.

Additional video here, "Reid on Racism: Still a Fight 50 Years After 'March on Washington'."

Michelle Malkin Throws Down the Common Core Gauntlet!

I love it!

At Twitchy, "Are they game? Michelle Malkin willing to debate Jeb Bush, NYT’s Bill Keller on Common Core."

And Michelle talks about Common Core at the second half of this interview with Martha McCallum, and she calls out Jeb Bush and the New York Times by name.

Muslim Brotherhood Canada Launches Anti-Speech Jihad Against Pamela Geller

Same terrorists, different country.


The perversion and censorship of language and speech. It's killing the West. Decent people are silenced while the world's perverts and terrorists take over our major institutions of cultural transmission, from the schools to the major media.

It's up to us to change that course, protest and survive.

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Bryiana Noelle is Playboy Playmate for September 2013

A real nice lady, via the Playboy blog on Twitter.

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Just 'Three Bored Teens'? No, It's 'Three Bored BLACK Teens' Who Gunned Down Australian Ballplayer 'For the Fun of It...'

None of the headlines lays it on the money. It's not just "three bored teens." It's "three bored black criminal barbarian teens" who mowed down Australian Christopher Lane for "the fun of it."

Depraved and disgusting. I'm outside of myself wanted to slap some sh*t into some people here.

Here's how this AP headline reads, "Police: Australian baseball player killed by 'bored' teens in Oklahoma."

And here's CNN's PC crap, "Police: Australian baseball player killed by Oklahoma teens -- just because."

At least the New York Post wasn't cowering from posting the photos of these criminal mf's.

See, "Photos surface of teens who 'shot college baseball player dead as he was jogging because they were bored'."

Black privilege assholes. The left's political correctness industry is killing this country --- and visitors to this country, literally.

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Added: From the boards at Market Ticker, "What Race Are These Suspected Killers? Oops -- looks like the Australian media has identified them as 'If Obama had a son...'"

And linked by the Mad Jewess, "3 Black Racist Murderers Who Slaughtered Australian Baseball Player, Chris Lane, Identified."