Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McCain Tops Romney in Florida Ad Buys

The Caucus reports that John McCain's outspent Mitt Romney on Florida campaign ads:

Senator John McCain appears to have slightly outspent Mitt Romney, with Rudolph W. Giuliani lagging significantly behind, in television advertising in Florida in the week leading up to the Republican primary here, according to newly released data from the Campaign Media Advisory Group, which estimates ad spending.
The most recent data available runs up until this past Sunday and shows Mr. McCain spending $1.85 million for the previous week, compared to $1.77 million for Mr. Romney and $1.06 million for Mr. Giuliani. During this period, Mr. McCain’s campaign put up 2,317 spots; Mr. Romney 1,686; Mr. Giuliani 1,174.

The data spotlights how, while Mr. Romney has vastly outspent his rivals in Florida overall because he started advertising in the fall, Mr. McCain has been able to match or even exceed him here as the primary has fast approached. Meanwhile, Mr. Giuliani has had to cut back his advertising spending in recent days as he has struggled in polls and with money.
Well, no matter the final numbers on relative ad buys, it's certainly been an acrimonious campaign weekend.

Thing's could be
just now heating up, as it turns out.

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