Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thoughts of a Conservative Suicide Voter

This letter, published at American Thinker, is the most reasoned argument against John McCain I've seen thoughout all of the right wing controversy of recent weeks:

Critical thought and a rational mind are all conservatives have to protect from the madness of crowds. Supporting John McCain over conservative principles is a bargain with fear.

McCain won recent primaries by modest pluralities with the help of moderates and independents. Other, more conservative candidates split the "conservative" vote. Conservatives have a McCain problem. The vote tallies show it and the radio waves blare it.

If, 20 years ago, someone said a future Republican presidential candidate gleefully and actively undermined the 1st amendment, tried to get amnesty for tens of millions of illegals in the middle of the night with a forced deal, advocated a surtax on the American economy to forestall "global warming," who would find it conceivable? How much more incredible if one then learned---"well, he is the conservative."

When Bush I collapsed with "read my lips," conservatives were told, "well, the alternative is worse."

8 years later, conservatives swallowed "compassionate conservatism." Like "emotional rationalism," or "intrusive privacy" it is nonsense. It is an empty vessel each person fills with his or her own hopes. Its very objective is to evade critical thought.

Applied critical thought might have led to a different result than Bush II, the largest spender-even larger than Bill Clinton. But enough conservatives skipped critical thought because the alternative seemed worse. It was not.

So here we are. Conservatives are told to support McCain because the alternative is worse. Is it?

McCain will select conservative judges? What critical mind thinks McCain will select judges who would challenge his signature issues of McCain-Feingold or the nonsense of man made global warming?

Conservatives are told to hope for tax relief from the McCain who voted, almost alone in the Republican Senate ranks, against modest tax cuts using class warfare language to justify his actions.

Some conservatives believe McCain's claim that only he will fight it out in Iraq. These conservatives are encouraged to throw away principles on virtually every conservative issue for this straw. Is it so?

Both Hillary and Obama are on record stating neither would precipitously withdraw from Iraq. They cannot let the remaining infrastructure with thousands of American contractors, foreign aid workers and U.N. administrators be slaughtered. McCain may be better than any Democrat on Iraq, but he is not much better. McCain wants to close Guantanamo giving full courtroom rights to terrorists. He showboats torture when there is none. In the 8 Clinton years, McCain did nothing to oppose Clinton's significant military reductions. The McCain hope does not justify full abandonment of conservative principle. The only McCain selling point is acquiescence to fear---the alternative must be worse.

Conservative voters are being manipulated to let fear of Hillary or Obama make them vote for a Republican liberal who opposes everything in which they believe. McCain, like Bush, is selling liberalism by the spoonful.

It is time to say "stop!"

The conservative suicide voter says "no" to McCain. Let Hillary/Obama bring on liberalism, not in spoonfuls but in truckloads. Tie the wages of liberalism to a real, labeled liberal. Do not let liberalism hide under the guise of a "conservative" John McCain. Do not sign on to fear and vote for McCain.

When liberalism is in the open, critical minds and their countrymen can see its folly. Conservatism is well served by an open, clear cut battle with liberalism in full bloom. And conservatism, not John McCain is best for America.

I choose to vote "no" to John McCain who will continue to sell out conservatism to liberalism at every turn.

Jay Valentine
Salado, Texas
As noted, I've not seen a better argument against McCain, although I could certainly take apart some of the generalities and stereotypes the author employs. I particularly don't think McCain's going to "sell out" anything. He's a man of pragmatism, and the right could use more of that.

Moreover, the Democrats in recent weeks - especially Obama - have moved so far to the left on the war they're practically in bed with our enemies. I won't sell out my nation's security for ideological purity by pledging for a Democrat or sitting out the election.

Anyway, it's a good letter. I like the reason behind it, which is also lacking in this debate.

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