Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Frustrating Flap Over Women for Obama

Hillary Clinton Feminists

I've been seeing a crisis among feminists over the changing shape of the Demcratic race. Should they vote for their "sister," Hillary Rodham Clinton, or for the dynamic, gender-sensitive candidacy of Barack Obama?

Solomon never had it so tough!

Robin Abcarian's got a bit on
the "feminist flap" that's brewing over women's support for Obama:

Darlene Ewing is a Democratic activist, longtime feminist and very frustrated Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter.

Like many who have dreamed of seeing a woman in the Oval Office, Ewing doesn't understand why women are drifting in ever-greater numbers away from Clinton toward her rival, Barack Obama. This trend, which has imperiled the candidacy of the woman once considered a shoo-in for her party's nomination, infuriates the frank-talking Texan.

"They're running to the rock star, to the momentum, to the excitement," said Ewing, a family law attorney who chairs the Dallas County Democratic Party. "And I am worried that if Hillary doesn't get elected, I am never going to see a woman president in my lifetime. I do think her chances are slipping away, and it [ticks] me off."

This sentiment is being expressed around the country -- in testy dinner-party conversations, around the water cooler, and in the public forum. As Clinton's shot at the nomination boils down to two contests Tuesday -- in the delegate-rich states of Texas and Ohio, where she is running neck and neck with Obama -- many women who support the New York senator are angered and saddened by their sisters' desertion to the other side.

Old-school feminists have lined up against each other. Some chapters of the National Organization for Women are supporting Clinton; others are for Obama. There have been arguments about which candidate is more pro-choice. For some women, the rise of Obama rips open a persistent wound: an older, more experienced woman is pushed aside for a younger male colleague.

One of the most impassioned cris de coeur came from feminist poet and novelist Robin Morgan, 67 in an essay that became something of a cyberspace sensation after she posted it last month on the Women's Media Center website (and it was forwarded by many people, including Chelsea Clinton).

Morgan decried the casual acceptance of sexism on the campaign trail this season -- from the two young men who shouted "Iron my shirt!" at Clinton to the Hillary-themed nutcrackers available in airport gift shops.

But Morgan reserved her greatest ire for women who decline to support Clinton "while wringing their hands because Hillary isn't as likable as they've been warned they must be. . . . Grow the hell up. She is not running for Ms. Perfect-pure-queen-icon of the feminist movement. She's running to be president of the United States."

Recent polls support the suspicion of many women that theirs is a gender divided. Last week's Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found Clinton's solid support from women to be dwindling. Women are now evenly divided between the two Democratic candidates, though Clinton still enjoys a sizable advantage among women 65 and older, who prefer her three-to-one over Obama.

Read the whole thing.

Abcarian cites Gloria Steinem's recent New York Times essay, "Women Are Never Front-Runners," where Steinem argues, "Gender is probably the most restricting force in American life, whether the question is who must be in the kitchen or who could be in the White House."


See also Rebecca Walker's post, "Feminist Infighting," which offers a little perspective on this feminist battle royal.

Also, check my earlier post, "Hillary Clinton Strains to Build Sisterhood Solidarity," which showed why many upwardly mobile women professionals resent Clinton's piggybacking her way to the top.

Photo Credit: Los Angeles Times

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