Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Obama's Lucky to Be Black!

Hey, I don't mind taking pride in one's race, but when a major Clinton operative starts arguing Barack Obama's "lucky to be black" - which presumably gives him an edge this season - we've come a long way in race politics!


Barack Obama’s chief strategist said Tuesday that a comment by one of Hillary Clinton’s top fundraisers that Barack Obama would not be a major presidential contender if he were not black – coupled with Clinton’s “own inexplicable unwillingness" to deny that he was a Muslim during a recent interview – indicated “an insidious pattern that needs to be addressed."

David Axelrod called on the New York senator to drop former New York Rep. Geraldine Ferraro from her finance committee. "When you wink and nod at offensive statements you're really sending a signal to your supporters that anything goes," said Axelrod.

Ferraro, the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee in 1984, told the (Torrance, California) Daily Breeze that "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Ferraro said the New York senator had suffered because the press "has been uniquely hard on her. It's been a very sexist media. Some just don't like her. The others have gotten caught up in the Obama campaign."
Well there's more of the "invisible woman misogyny."

I thought I'd seen it all!

Sure must be rough running against
the new messiah. First Obama wasn't black enough. Now he's the fortunate one!

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