Thursday, April 24, 2008

Americans Oppose Precipitous Withdrawal From Iraq

Today's Gallup poll on the Iraq war's likely to be cited endlessly by the antiwar hordes clammoring for a U.S. surrender in the conflict.

Gallup found that
the percentage saying the war was a "mistake" - at 63 percent - is the highest measured for any U.S. war in the history of the organization's polling.

But importantly, there is no demand here for an immediate withrawal from the country, which is the key finding of this survey: Americans support the continued deployment of U.S. forces in Iraq:

Even though majority opposition to the Iraq war is basically cemented, other Gallup polling has found that the public does not necessarily advocate a quick end to the war. While a majority now favors a timetable for withdrawing troops, only about one in five Americans think the withdrawal should begin immediately and be completed as soon as possible.

The public will implicitly choose one path on Iraq this fall, given its choice between Republican presidential candidate John McCain (who favors the war and argues the consequences of withdrawal would be severe) and either Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama (both of whom oppose the war and want to end it as quickly as they deem prudent).
Gallup's findings reflect a public pragmatism on the course of the war, an appreciation for recent political and security improvements.

American strategy has adapted in General David Petraeus counterinsurgency doctrince over the last 14 months, and with
Petraeus' pending replacement by Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno as the top U.S. commander in Iraq, the country can be assured a smooth leadership transition, and the continuation of successful policy as Petraeus moves on to CentCom commander.

No doubt this element of today's Gallup report will be ignored by surrender hawks such as
Glenn Greenwald.

Don't believe that noise for a second.

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