Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton's Case for Michigan and Florida

I haven't posted on the Democratic primaries in a while. It's been hard, frankly, to dream up something new and interesting to say. For months now everyone's been saying "this thing's going to the convention" or, for the last few weeks, "it's not about the math," which has referred to Hillary's magical momentum in keeping the race alive.

So, now that we've had another split decision at the polls this week, in Oregon and Kentucky, how's it going to be? The media's talking like Obama's the nominee, but as I've said before, Hillary's a Roman gladiator, "
Hillary Clinton Maximus Decimus Meridius": She just won't die.

So, check out this little kerfuffle over
Hillary's speech yesterday, making the case for counting the Michigan and Florida delegations in Denver this summer.

How should we interpret the rules? Well, it depends on the calendar. Before the primaries began, both candidates agreed to eschew campaiging in the bumped-up states, where the DNC had imposed sanctions, so don't count 'em; but now, with the nomination on the line, and voters having trekked to the polls, civil rights (and the will) of the electorate should trump loyalty (or fealty) to Democratic Party institutions, so let the will of the voters prevail.

Andrew Sullivan's going with the former, in response to Hillary's claim that "not counting Florida and Michigan is changing a central governing rule of this country - that whenever we can understand the clear intent of the voters, their votes should be counted":

How do you respond to a sociopath like this? She agreed that Michigan and Florida should be punished for moving up their primaries. Obama took his name off the ballot in deference to their agreement and the rules of the party. That he should now be punished for playing by the rules and she should be rewarded for skirting them is unconscionable.

I think she has now made it very important that Obama not ask her to be the veep. The way she is losing is so ugly, so feckless, so riddled with narcissism and pathology that this kind of person should never be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Well, No Quarter's answered Sullivan's query. "How do you respond," to Sullivan, that is?

This idiot by the name of Andrew Sullivan is of the opinion that it is wrong for Hillary to work her heart out to get the delegates of Florida and Michigan seated at the convention. In his myopic opinion Hillary is a Clinton and everyone knows about the Clintons. They Are Legend.


The Clintons know no respect for rules or propriety or restraint in the pursuit of power.

Let’s start with the obvious. Sullivan is a lunatic. He groups Bill and Hillary together into this nice neat little bundle that he can blaspheme with impunity. I wonder if he has actually even heard that women are known to have a mind of their own and are separate creatures from men. According to Sullivan, Hillary is just an extension of Bill. Are Cavemen making a comeback that I haven’t heard about yet?

In my not so humble opinion Hillary has nailed this Florida and Michigan thing BIG TIME.

Now, I know that Senator Obama chose to remove his name from the ballot in Michigan, and that was his right. But his choice does not negate the votes of all those who turned out to cast their ballots, and we should not let our process rob them and all of you of your voices. To do so would undermine the very purpose of the nominating process. To ensure that as many Democrats as possible can cast their votes. To ensure that the party selects a nominee who truly represents the will of the voters and to ensure that the Democrats take back the White House to rebuild America.

Now, I’ve heard some say that counting Florida and Michigan would be changing the rules.

I say that not counting Florida and Michigan is changing a central governing rule of this country - that whenever we can understand the clear intent of the voters, their votes should be counted. I remember very well back in 2000, there were those who argued that people’s votes should be discounted over technicalities. For the people of Florida who voted in this primary, the notion of discounting their votes sounds way too much of the same.

Damn right sister. Because the heart of the Democratic Party has always been voter enfranchisement.

But facts like this matter little to Obama Cultists like Sullivan.

She agreed that Michigan and Florida should be punished for moving up their primaries. Obama took his name off the ballot in deference to their agreement and the rules of the party. That he should now be punished for playing by the rules and she should be rewarded for skirting them is unconscionable.

Earth to Andrew Sullivan. Not that it matters because you are clearly too stupid to understand something so simple as a fact or two. But for your followers and all the rest of the Cult-Aide addicts, here is a little refresher course in reality.

You'll have to check the rest of No Quarter's post for the rest, "Is Andrew Sullivan a Sociopathetic Hack?"

I have a lot of respect of Sullivan's writing.

His cover story on Obama at the Atlantic in December is the best piece on the Illinois Senator I've read. But to demonize Hillary the way he does shows a profound naiveté on the nature of politics and power.

No one should expect Hillary Clinton to bow out without a fight (or an argument): This is what's she's lived for fall all these years.

Machiavelli would be proud! Not only that, frankly, I think Hill's the better general election candidate. Obama's got a big case to make that not only should Michigan and Florida voters remain disenfranchised, but that he's the better candidate in the fall as well.

And just think, I thought I was plum out of commentary on the Democrats!

See also, "Long Campaign Gives Some Democrats Primary Fatigue;" and Memeorandum as well.

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