Sunday, June 8, 2008

Anti-Semitism at Barack Obama's Official Page

How common is anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party base?

I've noted previously that Markos Moulitsas allows the most vile anti-Semitic diarists to post Jewish hatred to his blog, and I find it hard to understand why this entry hasn't been taken down.

On the other hand, it turns out that the web managers at are apparently less tolerant of such religious hatred, although we may be seeing the tip of the iceberg with the scandal surrounding the post from Socialists for Obamas, "HOW THE JEWISH LOBBY WORKS."

The entry's now
been removed, but a number of conservative bloggers have posted on it. Here's an excerpt captured for posterity at Atlas Shrugs:

NO LOBBY IS FEARED MORE or catered to by politicians than the Jewish Lobby. If a politician does not play ball with the Jewish Lobby, he will not get elected, or re-elected, and he will either be smeared or ignored by the Jewish-owned major media.

All Jewish lobbies and organizations are interconnected and there are hundreds upon hundreds of them. The leaders of the numerous Jewish Lobby Groups go to the same synagogues, country clubs, and share the same Jewish investment bankers. And this inter-connectedness extends to the Jews who run the Federal Reserve Bank, US Homeland Security, and the US State Department.

In other words, “Jews stick together.” Americans must know how extremely powerful the Jewish Lobby is and how it operates to undermine America’s interests both at home and abroad. At home - by corrupting America’s political system, and abroad - by dictating American Foreign Policy against America’s best interests.
Here's how Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs put things in perspective:

There’s something deeply wrong with a presidential candidate who attracts so many of these hateful psychotics. Read the comments; you just won’t believe what is allowed to be posted at Barack Obama’s web site.
I can see the standard left-wing response: "Guilt by association is a bunch of baloney," but one has to consider what it is about Barack Obama that attracts the most wicked rogue's gallery of all the usual suspects of the America-bashing, Israel-hating left.

Here's the screen capture from the Socialists for Obama post:

Socialists for Obama

Some of the other really despicable stuff has also been taken down (Fausta has additional links to screen-capture evidence).

But the
New Black Panther page remains available, with nasty comments (hat tip: Gateway), and like Power Line, I noticed (after a Google search) that the Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama page is available as well.

I also found this from Socialists for Obama: "
An Open Letter to Our Next President Barack Obama." (The "letter concludes with "i hope you listen to my humble opinions about the fascist state of Israel and what we should do about it.")

So, how common is this anti-Semitism among Democratic Party supporters?

Perhaps it's infinitesimal, but if so, why does this stuff keep popping up on the most prominent places of the official Democratic Party establishment?

I'll have more later.

UPDATE: Cernig at Newshoggers claims that the Barack Obama post was a scam, republished from an extreme right-wing news group known for virulent anti-Semitism.

If true, this raises some interesting questions:

Why is the Obama campaign allowing open registration for diarists on its blog, thus making the candidate vulnerable to such smears? For a campaign that's supposed to be web-savvy, allowing open-access isn't too smart.

For example, why are we still seeing entries like this on the campaign's official page:

Jemaah Islamiyah For Obama

We are a group that supports social justice for our oppressed Muslim brothers all over the world. We support Barack Obama for President because he is sympathetic to the plight of Muslims. He is a man of integrity, who will not be bullied by the neo-cons and the zionists. He will stand up for our oppressed palestinian brothers and sisters, whose land is being illegally occupied by that evil zionist entity whose name I just hate to even write.
An "evil zionist entity"?

That's not surprising language coming from
a group with ties to al Qaeda, and one that's responsible for the deaths of hundreds of civilians in the October 2002 car bombing at a Bali nightclub popular with Western tourists.

If those on the left want to attack right-wing conservatives for their outrage with alleged Obama-supported anti-Semitism, they should at least give equal attention to denouncing the real and continuing Israel-bashing that's common among left-wing partisans, hatred that continues to be hosted on the web-site of their party's standard-bearer.

Does Barack Obama endorse such views? The campaign ought to be spending more on web administrators to get this hatred off of its official page.

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