Monday, June 30, 2008

Obama to Speak on Patriotism

I haven't gotten the opposition's political intelligence reports, but I suspect operatives in the Obama camp might just be taking some cues from American Power

Readers will recall, I asked, in an earlier post:

Can Obama make clear that his patriotism's not just a snooty love of his successes, but of a genuine pride in nation that harks to the most traditional notions of conservative nationalism?

Democrats White Flag

It turns out Obama does want to clarify this issue, according to CNN, "
Obama to Deliver 'Major Speech' on Patriotism":

Presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama plans to deliver what his campaign is calling a "major speech" Monday, centering around an issue he's been trying to highlight for months now: his patriotism.

The remarks come in Harry Truman's hometown of Independence, Missouri, just days before the Fourth of July.

"Sen. Obama will discuss what patriotism means to him and what it requires of all Americans who love this country and want to see it do better," Obama spokesman Bill Burton wrote in a morning email to reporters.

The Illinois senator has been defending his patriotism ever since the days of Iowa when he was first criticized for not wearing a flag pin — which he now does much more frequently — and when false rumors began circulating that he did not say the Pledge of Allegiance.

He was also seen without his hand over his heart during a rendition of the National Anthem.

Obama's wife, Michelle, has been on the receiving end of attacks over her patriotism, after telling an audience at a campaign event, "For the first time in my adult lifetime I'm really proud of my country."

Senator Obama will follow up Monday's speech on patriotism with a Tuesday address focused on faith, and remarks on service Wednesday and Thursday. He will spend Friday, July 4 in Butte, Montana — with the whole Obama family out on the trail.
Obama needs this patriotism speech to go over a little better than his disastrous address on race at Philadelphia's National Constitution Center." For even if Obama hits a home run, the left's patriotism gap's going to linger well into the fall campaign and beyond.

See also, Gateway Pundit, "Ruh-Roh... Another "Major Speech" By Obama - This Time On Patriotism."

(Plus, the prepared text of Obama's speech is available online.)


UPDATE: Obama has now delivered the speech. See, "Obama Tries to Answer Questions of Patriotism," and "Obama Criticizes in Patriotism Speech ."

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