Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Radical Islam and the Israel Day Parade

Members of the "religion of peace" made a showing at New York's Israel Day Parade on Sunday:

Islamic Thinkers Society

Israellycool's got a report with more photos.

According to
Little Green Footballs:

At the Israel Day Parade in New York City on June 1st, the Neanderthal antisemites calling themselves the “Islamic Thinkers Society” made an appearance...

The Wikipedia entry for "Islamic Thinkers Society has this:

The group states they wish to see a reversal of what they consider to be colonialism and imperialism, including an 'on the ground' reversal of the Balfour Declaration, Sykes-Picot Agreement and San Remo conference. They allege these agreements are part of 'Colonialist Designs' on the Islamic world, and they urge Muslims to consider them illegal, null and void. The group calls for an end what it says are "Colonialist-Imposed Borders," "Colonialist-Imposed States," and "Colonialist-Imposed Rulers."They also show dislike for Jews, Christians, homosexuals and Shi'ites.

ITS calls on Muslims to oppose the United States, Christianity and Western society and culture, especially homosexuality, which they see as Western. ITS, is also notable for its hostility to Shi'ites whom they view as not true Muslims.
See also, "New Yorkers Celebrate Israel's Founding at Parade," and the anti-Semitic comments at the thread therein.

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