Friday, September 26, 2008

Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Wall Street Bailout's Got to Go!

There's a lot of talk suggesting the Bush administration's plan to rescue financial markets is "Republican Socialism" for "Wall Street evil-doers."

Protests were held this week to "
bail out people before bankers."

Protest Wall Street

Take note of the kind of folks involved:

A coalition of grassroots groups, including Credo Mobile, Code Pink, United for Peace and Justice and are planning to express their opposition to Paulson's bailout plan and call for those clear principles this Thursday, September 25 in a rally and march at 4:00pm near Wall Street in lower Manhattan.

Protestors took to the streets outside the White House yesterday as well:

Inside it was all business: President Bush was meeting with the congressional leaders, Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama about the nation's financial crisis.

Outside, it was business as usual.

The chant was the all-purpose rhythm-and-rhyme that on any given day since the Vietnam War might be heard outside the White House.

But rarely is it applied to ... financial markets.

Nevertheless, while the meeting was taking place in the Cabinet Room, along Pennsylvania Avenue the $700-billion bailout for Wall Street was a magnet for complaint.

About 50 people marched in a circle, their umbrellas an array of color against a rainy sky and the early dusk as they shouted over and over:

Hey hey, ho ho
Bush bailout's got to go.

That's the real socialism, revolutionary socialism that's in fact not committed to helping everday Americans but to overthrowing the hated "Bush-Cheney regime":

National Archives Protest

I routinely get commenters here arguing that today's left-wing of Barack Obama, William Ayers, Markos Moulitsas, Tom Matzzie, Andrew Sullivan, Jeremiah Wright and on and on ... represents a movement of moderate Democrats and "progressive" reformers.

That's a lie.

Folks on the left are calling for the elimination of the current American regime (a battle against "fascism"), and they're hoping that the current market turmoil ends up being so deep as to represent Marx's crisis of capitalism.

We are in a period of deep and fundamental ideological transition. Americans are rightly worried about the financial health of the nation, and they want some kind of solution to the crisis (see, "
78% of Americans Want a Bailout...").

The current protests, on the other hand, are the latest in the left's ongoing "'struggle' against 'oppression' and 'imperialism,' code words in the lexicon of revolutionary socialism."

This election represents the larger ideological struggle gripping the nation: Barack Obama has repeatedly dismissed American tradition and values, and he speaks of Islam as "my religion," which is Freudian shorthand for his "thinly veiled hatred for this country’s unique culture and institutions."

Readers should keep this in mind as they see continued protests in the weeks ahead.

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