Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cancer Risk is Barack Obama's Latest Stealth Secret

CNN reports that Barack Obama, a cigarette smoker who continues to light up (after failing to quit), is at risk of contracting cancer.

Obama's smoking is considered an "accelerator" of serious disease. What is more, the Illinois Senator's family history puts him particularly at risk: Obama's mother died of ovarian cancer and his grandfather was afflicted with cancer of the prostate.

Note that John McCain, himself a cancer survivor, has released 1,100 pages of medical documentation on his health, and he has spoken forthrightly and publically on the governmental implications of his recovery.

Obama, on the other hand, refuses to release his medical records.

At 47 years-old, it seems counterintuitive that the younger candidate would be stonewalling the press on matters of great national significance. But as
many commentators have observed, Obama has run the most secretive presidential campaign since the smoking-gun administration of Richard Nixon in the '70s.

birth certificates to "my Muslim faith" to William Ayers to ACORN, Barack Obama is the ultimate stealth candidate.

The American people deserve more than the wool pulled over their eyes by a corrupt Chicago machine politician and closet radical, one who is enabled by a liberal, partisan press intent to install in office the first black president in American history.

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