Monday, October 6, 2008

Obama Supporters Attack Cinnamon Stillwell

Readers may recall my post last week, "American Power Fan Mail," which shares the hate e-mail I got from an angry Obama supporter.

Well, you should see
the stuff Cinnamon Stillwell gets. In response to her essay, "Palin Derangement Syndrome: Obama's Worst Enemy?", Cinnamon got a big, nasty round of attacks.

Here's a sampling:


Please look in a mirror, my dear. Do you have ONE person of color as a friend? (Ask the person you're thinking of, if there is one, not yourself -- you may delude yourself into thinking s/he's a friend, but it's not likely.) Your crap about who the "real America" is, well, that's basically KKK codespeak for "people of color don't count, they're not real Americans." Most people in this country live in cities, not in the Appalachian woods you and your ilk hold dear. Face it, baby, it won't be long before the country is less than half-white and you're a forgotten memory. THAT future looks bright.


Live simply.

Love generously.

Care deeply.

Speak kindly. HATE REPUKES

Sin (the very existence of a neo-con is indeed that)

As a Vietnam vet, retired member of the US Army and proud father and father-in-law of members of the USAF, I just want to say that your fascist rant has just prompted me to send even more $ to Obama's well-filled coffers. Your Nazi slut's approval ratings are dropping daily, baby. I am pumped up with energy and, yes, hate, for Repukes, and there are millions more like me that are going to send you back to your Munich beer hall.

I sh*t on your stinking soul.


That is some wicked demonology, and there's more at the link.

This goes with the territory, I guess ... but it takes a thick skin to be a conservative political commentator these days.

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