Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin Comeback Sparks New Round of Attacks

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin performed brilliantly during last night's vice-presidential debate.

The left's spin is that Palin "
read her talking points," for example:

The wingers think Palin was a smashing success because when you pulled the string in her back, she looked down at her cue cards and recited her talking points perfectly.
Frankly, the Democratic-left is deeply disappointed the Palin didn't crash and burn (the leftist wet dream these last few nights saw Palin tearfully withdrawing after the debate).

To the left's great consternation, Palin hit a home run. So what to do? Simple. Fire up
a new round of Palin derangement:

We simply haven't had an overtly fecund, butch, straight-woman sex symbol in so long. She's like Annie Oakley with her six-shooters and her polar bears, her caribou dressing and her moose stew. She's got five kids hanging off of her, and you're like "Hells bells, that woman can f**k in the morning, go out for a long hike on the Arctic tundra, take down a polar bear or two, and be back in time to pass some new creationist legislation." She just kicks ass. I mean, she's just so — mmm. So like a powerful woman.

It's exciting, isn't it?
That one's pre-debate, actually, but certainly a tasty appetizer before the main course:

The point is, she doesn’t know s**t about s**t ...
Look for more of this slime going forward, especially after the polls show the race tightening up over the weekend.

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