Thursday, November 6, 2008

American Power Fan Mail

I must be doing a great job lately, as measured by the stepped-up reaction to my writing on the political left (remember the vortex?).

Here's a case in point, in this e-mail sent yesterday from "Isaac," a self-proclaimed former "student":

Dearest Mr. Douglas,

You post non-stop garbage about Obama and all the terrible secrets behind him, with paper thin proof, and the most ridiculous bias I have ever heard. You spew hatred and prejudice, and instead of pointing out McCain's positives, you point out Obama's negatives. You run your blog the same way McCain ran his campaign, and frankly, it comes off desperate and petty (and thats why the better candidate won). I petitioned to be in your class in 2003, and after the first day of you pushing your beliefs on the class by telling us we need to support our president, I decided not to waste my time. Remind me, how did that Bush thing turn out again? And I can only assume that you will support our president for the next 4 years, right?

It's obvious you are an educated man, but from the looks of it, the majority of your readers are gullible, racist, religious fanatics, that buy all the propaganda you, Fox News, and the McCain campaign is selling. To believe Obama advocates the murdering of innocent babies because he's Pro-Choice or that they would be betraying their country and God to vote for Obama. You seriously read those comments and think, "Well that is a valid point". In the meanwhile i put out a thought out, satyrical rebuttle to your laughable post, and I get banned? If you believe in your cause so much, I would think that you would refute my points, instead of deleting the posts and banning me so I don't expose your readers to the cell of a life they live in.

I rarely delete comments or ban readers (mainly for abuse or pure stupidity), so Isaac's comments were likely as over the top as his e-mail above.

Obamania can do that to folks, so it's understandable.

See also my previous "American Power Fan Mail," here.

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