Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hate Campaign Targets Churches in Prop 8 Aftermath

A radical left-wing protest group infiltrated Mount Hope Church in Lansing, Michigan, on Sunday.

The protesters,
clad with pink scarves and carrying hatchet and sledgedhammers, stormed the church, yelling epithets and militant gay pride slogans:

The group also handed out fliers ....

“We specialize in confronting homophobia, transphobia and every and all other forms of oppression,” the fliers read. “We strive for the liberation of all people.”

Well, actually, here's this summary of the church's mission statement:

Mount Hope, for the record, is an evangelical, bible believing church whose members provide free 24 hour counseling, prayer lines, catastrophic care for families dealing with medical emergencies, support groups for men, women and children dealing with a wide variety of life's troubles, crisis intervention, marriage ministries, regular, organized volunteer work in and around the city, missions in dozens of countries across the globe, a construction ministry that has built over 100 churches, schools, orphanages and other projects all over the world and an in-depth prison ministry that reaches out, touches and helps the men and women the rest of society fears the most. They also teach respect for all human life and the Biblical sanctity of marriage as an institution between one man and one woman.
Meanwhile, bloggers, gay rights activists, and neo-Stalinist organizations have organized a boycott against the state of Utah, in response to the Mormon Church's sponsorship of California's Proposition 8.

As hard left blog-ringleader
John Aravosis wrote earlier:

The Mormon Church has a long history of trying to forcefully impose its will, its religion, on others. Over the next few weeks and months, we're going to educate America about those efforts.
Uncoded, this means simply that the left plans an unprecedented campaign of hate and intolerance against a group that exercised its First Amendment rights to support a cause in which it believed.

Meanwhile, watch
this video of Keith Olbermann, especially the passage at 2:30 minutes where Olbermann equates laws preserving traditional marriage with the enslavement of black Americans:

This is the sickest exploitation of the struggle for black equality I've ever seen.

As I've written before, same-sex marriage is not a civil right, and leftists push a false analogy when they compare African American civil rights to the creation of a gay marriage right.

As I've also noted, the developments this last week are demonstrating a new cultural war speading across the land. And as disgusting is the left's campaign of intolerance against a majority of traditional Americans, the inevitable backlash will set back whatever legitimate policy movement toward recognizing same-sex marriage in this country.


  1. Don't you think the LDS Church and other religious organizations are picking the wrong hill to die on here? Especially given that Prop 8 was a symbolic gesture with no practical effect given that CA's civil unions will remain intact?

    I mean, it just seems like Prop 8 involved a bunch of religious organizations staking their good name on a situation with little upside (no more gay marriage, big whoop) and a huge downside (now half the state hates you because you gave a bunch of Californians a symbolic slap in the face). I'm with you on condemning anti-church and anti-Mormon hate here, but I also have to question the strategic validity of the LDS Church's decision to get involved. It just seems like the LDS Church got itself into a lose-lose situation.

  2. Noted before or not, you are wrong, you have lost this battle, and the best you can do is hold out as long as possible. But every day that passes, people who believe that gays and lesbians shouldn't have access to marriage die of old age, and every day those folks are replaced by young people who aren't taking after your jerkheadedness about this issue.

  3. Keith Oldblowaman....American Ass Clown.

    How anybody could stretch gays not being allowed to marry to, black enslavement is beyond me....but the far, far, left, will go to any lengths, to enforce their own perverted agenda on the majority.

  4. Disrespecting churches vs. Disrespecting gays as human beings.


  5. Jeff came very close to the point, and then missed it. It's true that California has a domestic partners statute, and that means that the real dispute isn't over rights, but respect.

    To our friends in the homosexual community, civil unions will never be enough, because it's not the rights which accrue to marriage that are important. By being able to say that their relationships are marriages, they get to say, and have the backing of the state behind their statements, that their relationships are just as good as heterosexual relationships.

    That's what they want, and thatis why separating the rights of marriage from the name of marriage will never be sufficient for them.

  6. When the Mormon church chose to enter the political sphere, the fact that they are a religious institution became irrelevant. They led non-Mormons in their political campaign, and they exhorted everyone – regardless of their religious affiliation — to vote "yes" on Prop. 8, which affected Mormons and non-Mormons alike.

    Mormon leaders were acting in their role as citizens in the democratic process. But as citizens leading a political campaign, they cannot escape public accountability for their public actions. After all that, the leadership of the LDS cannot suddenly change roles, toss up their hands and say, "You can't criticize us! We're a religion!" They forfeited that right when they threw themselves enthusiastically into a non-religious, political campaign.

    This is not bigotry or discrimination against a religion. They are politicians now, and they deserve the same scrutiny and criticism due to any other political leader or movement.

  7. This is going to cause a huge blow back from religious groups that is going to do far more harm than good for both sides of the debate, but especially for pro gay marriage folks.

    Just wait and see...

  8. All good points from those who believe in inalienable rights--that is, rights that cannot be voted away by others--here.

    That Donald cannot tell the difference between anarchists and the left no longer surprises me, either... Fact or fiction, it makes a good story...

  9. Did you actually watch the video? He did not compare the ban on same-sex marriage to the enslavement of black Americans. He did not compare anything to slavery. He compared the ban on same-sex marriage to the ban on interracial marriage. This was an element of segregation, not enslavement. Please review this video again and correct your post.

  10. Isn't it funny that the Mormons and Catholics (who probably between the two of them account for 90% of all accounts of sexual exploitation of minors) are now looking for a scapegoat to take the heat off of themselves?

    Jesus never said so much as a single word about homosexuality, but he sure had a lot to say about the holier than thou types...

    "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." (Matthew 23:27)

  11. The reaction from the Gay rights supporters in this issue will have more impact then the vote itself did. As the blowback from their actions will set back their agenda for years. And for the last anon poster, your facts about child molestation are incorrect. The leading group of molesters is actually your public school teachers, yet the local teacher molesting a student only makes local news for a day or two, yet, if the molester is a minister or church leader, it is national news for weeks. It is also a fact that child molesters choose same sex victims. So it is a form of homosexuality. Finally, if homosexuality is genetic and can not be changed, then that means that sexual preferences are genetic. Which means those that molest children can not help themselves and should either be put to death or locked away for life. I do find it quite telling that the activists have targeted the LDS church, yet left alone the largest voting block that voted for this ban, the African American voters that turned out in droves to elect Obama. They also voted against the gay rights activists.

  12. Bitch all you like...

    Gays are way more sympathetic than Mormons or Catholics.
