Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Leftist Ahistoricism Rehabilitates Bill Ayers

The economic crisis was the overriding electoral issue that propelled Barack Obama to the White House. Next to economic collapse, Obama's personification of racial change and oratorical uplift fueled a once-in-a-lifetime presidential campaign. With public opinion increasingly validating the GOP's claims of success in Iraq, the most important national security issue was off the table by fall 2008.

John McCain sought to convince the American people of the drastically unconvential background and character of "The One," but to no avail: The degree of crisis in the nation was more compelling than the irrefutable fact that the Democratic nominee was raised from an early age in radicalism, with Marxist mentors and Weatherground associates who worked closely with the Illinois Democrat to distribute million of dollars to hardcore activists and shake-down artists across Chicago's corrupt Democratic Party machine.

With the election, the left has been proclaiming the current era a "
Democratic realignment" and a "progressive mandate for radical change."

the many are focused today on the news that Barack Obama leaked his private conversation yesterday with President Bush to the press - which is seen as an effort to preemptively undermine the remaining days of the Bush administration - lower-level apparatchiks are continuing work on the propaganda campaign that charactized the netroots and leftist media's whitewashing of the Democratic nominee's opposition ideology and far-reaching radical ties.

Not only is ACORN now a "mainstream" group, but the unrepentent terrorist actions and ideology of William Ayers is being written off as a relic of the 1960s, according to
this hard-left nihilist blogger:

... the whole attack on Ayers was absurd ...

And for as much as the attacks were vile, they were idiotic for the very reasons Ayers pointed out. The 60's are over. For a lot of people, the 60's are nothing but a mythical creation of the past. But they don't hold a real bond or message anymore. Even for the people who were there, it was forty years ago. Focusing on the events of 1968 to guide us is like people in that year focusing on the events of 1928 to guide them. It's absurd. It's laughable. It's stupid. And it was a large part of McCain's argument for why he should be president. What an idiot!
To understand this mindset is to understand the thinking of today's contemporary left. There are no real threats to American security; it's all manufactured fear. The campaign of domestic terror in the 1960s? It was all a giant misunderstanding: No one would get hurt. Yes, yes, brother! ... the Weather Underground is simply a relic of some mythical past, and deranged dog-whistle Republicans have been shown as hopelessly out of touch with the post-partisan zeitgeist embodied in the cult of Obamology.

William Ayers was a revolutionary terrorist in the 1960s. He never disavowed his campaign of violence against the country (indeed,he wished he could have done more), and he still uses his Weatherman days as a
pedogogical tool to indoctrinate students to the glories of the anti-American, anti-imperialist movement.

We can look forward to more of this totalitarian revisionism in the year ahead.


  1. It will catch up to him sooner of later. If all else fails there is always Judgment Day. Hopefully we won't have to wait til then.

    The best we can do is make sure that the truth is not completely stamped out. Obama's thugs can't check everything and everyone. Truth will never die.

  2. i totally agree with shoprat here...the truth will always come out in the end, if anyone will believe it...

  3. They can try to change history but it's literally impossible with the internet, because the information is always on multiple spots around the world. They can run but the can't hide.

  4. The ahistoric leftist apparatchiks somehow missed Acorn undermining the very fabric of American democracy.

    Perhaps Prof. Douglas can enlighten us about all the voter fraud Acorn perpetrated?

    I'm certain the utter repudiation of the Republican Party is the very evidence that proves Republicans have succeeded?

    This is what being pro-victory looks like, Prof. Douglas? I hope it feels good, because I suspect you will have a long, long time to bask in this overwhelming success.

    Funny how Bill Ayers and George Bush get rehabilitated on the same day, huh?

  5. I'm certain the utter repudiation of the Republican Party is the very evidence that proves Republicans have succeeded?

    Utter repudiation?

    More like repudiation of:

    >Republicans who act like Democrats.

    >Republicans who are too afraid ... or too trusting of conservativism's ability to "sell itself" in a biased-media enviornment ... to make the effort to clearly articulate conservative principles.

    >Republicans who have bought into the subordination of wisdom to credentials, and persuaded the leadership to listen to the insiders and pros over those who could articulate sound principle understandably and clearly, yet lacked the professional/educational pedigree to be taken seriously by the insiders and pros (and are STILL trying to shut off the principled among us; i.e. smear Sarah Palin).

    If you think that this nation has utterly repudiated conservative principles ... wait until we experience the lessons Western Europe and their nanny states have learned regarding Leftist "principles" ... and wait until if and when Iraq and/or Afghanistan falls because Mr. Obama implemented the worst of his campaign rhetoric, instead of reversing himself and embracing

    You will see repudiation in earnest then ... repudiation of the FAILING policies inspired by Leftist ideology that will make 1994 look like just another election.

    It's not like we haven't seen the fruits of that ideology before.

    And you better hope the repudiation is sooner than later ... for the longer it is delayed, the harder the fall will be.

  6. I think it's hilarious that the lesson that republicans took from this election is that the republicans who lost their seats lost because they weren't conservative enough. They came to this conclusion because, in general, moderate republicans lost their seats and conservative ones kept theirs.

    What no one acknowledges is that moderates lost in moderate districts to, naturally, moderate Democrats. Conservatives won in conservative districts - they were in no danger of losing those seats. But would they have fared better than their moderate counterparts against the moderate Democrats in the moderate districts? Of course not, they would have fared far, far worse.

    What this actually tells us is that the center of this country is turned off by the Republican Party, and that the more conservative you get, the more out of touch you will become. The conservative base in this country is shrinking. Voters didn't buy the Liberal/Socialist/Marxist smear campaign against Obama because it isn't true. He's a moderate, and even moderate Republicans (many of whom endorsed him) realize this. Only the far right rail on about this, further turning off the center (aka swing voters - you know, the ones who decide elections?).

    So, by all means, convince yourself to hunker down, become more insular and cut-off from mainstream American political thought, and quietly go extinct in your tiny corner of the map.

    Also, what failing liberal policies are you talking about? Britain? Europe? Scandinavia? Aren't they all faring a lot better than us right about now? Y'know, after our conservative policies just utterly failed us? You guys will just rationalize yourselves into complete irrelevance...

  7. Sorry Donald, but it's obvious that the only people still living in the 60's are you liberal-hating freaks. Nobody cared about Ayers. Nobody. And if McCain had the brief association with Ayers that Obama had, you guys would consider it a huge smear to even mention it. The only people who were disturbed about Ayers and Wright were the people desperate to find something to attack Obama for, because it was all they had. Everyone else wanted to find out what McCain would do for them, not hear lame attacks on reformed terrorists and retired preachers. And that's exactly what I predicted would happen: McCain would be forced to woo you wingnuts all year, and even after the crushing defeat, you'd fault him for not being loony enough. Simply hilarious.

    But again, you only made Obama's victory larger, so please don't listen to me. Feel free to keep living in the past and ranting about how scary Obama is. It couldn't hurt you any more than holding on to your revisionist fantasies that tell you Republicans failed because they were too moderate. If you guys really believe that moderate voters will be wooed by ultra-conservativism, go for it. You'll only make yourselves more unelectable.

    The truth is that Republicans could only win elections when they resort to empty feelgood rhetoric, and lose elections when they try to do things; particularly conservative things. Conservativism was never popular, and you guys are determined to make it less so than ever. Keep up the good work!
