Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Obama's Tidal Wave of Death

Jill Stanek sounds the warning on Barack Obama's administrative appointments, "The Tidal Wave of Death":

I haven't written on Barack Obama's cabinet appointments because frankly I found it too depressing. This is like watching a Culture of Death tsunami. Nothing we can do to stop it.

There's Tom Daschle, Obama's new Secretary of Health and Human Services, a rabid pro-abort who also hates abstinence education and supports nationalized healthcare (taxpayer funded abortions).

I've previously written on Alta Charo, Obama's new ethics advisor. Charo has ties to the human embryo experimentation industry and - surprise - supports federally funded embryonic research. She also opposes conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to participate in abortion.

Then there's former NARAL legal director Dawn Johnsen, who will serve on Obama's Department of Justice review team.

I had supposed the topper was Obama's appointment of Ellen Moran ... as his communications director. She'll be leaving her job as executive director of EMILY's List, a group that raises $$ to elect pro-abort Democrat women.

But no, yesterday Obama named Melody Barnes to head his Domestic Policy Council. She previously served on the boards of both Planned Parenthood and EMILY's List.

There are more, but I'm drained.

Related: There's also news today on Obama's support for the Freedom of Choice Act, passage of which may force the closure of one-third of the hospitals in the country.


  1. How about be a good American and support your commander-in-chief

  2. give it up to all the Catholics who voted for obama. maybe I need to send this link to the priest at my parish. but thh

  3. Don't forget to mention Rahm Emanuel who supports US taxpayer supported death in Iraq.

    Ron Paul

  4. Abortionist-in-chief Barack Hussein Hoover Clinton Obama is just being true to what he is.

    And given how he supports abortion the way he does, he's not just an infanticide champion, but really one who's trying to extinguish the black community.

    In it, black babies die by abortion at about 50 per 1,000 women, compared to about 10.5 per 1,000 white women.

    He declared war against the every community he's tried so hard to be a part of--and he did that years ago.

    Really, the guy's a mass murderer, but of the most vulnerable of humans. And 63 million Americans installed him, merchant of death that he is, as CEO of America.

    What he does is evil, made possible by his lack of moral anchor and through his pretend Christianity.

  5. Brian Sawyer said...
    How about be a good American and support your commander-in-chief

    I'm sure you were saying the same thing when everyone was critisizing Bush.

  6. Brain, support the CIC the way the left has for 8 years?

    Pot meet kettle

  7. Obama's cabinet will be comprised of staff like Tom Daschle, an extreme pro-abortionist, dislikes abstinence education and supports abortion funded by us taxpayers.
    For me, the worst of the lot is Charo who supports embryonic research along with Dawn Johnson, Ellen Moran and Melody Barnes, left-wing illuminati loons who care nothing about destroying this country with their liberal views. None of them are truly Christians and lack any semblance of morality.
