Monday, November 24, 2008

The War Against Men?

Via Protein Wisdom, the Dallas Area Regional Transit Authority is running advertisements like the one below, from The Family Place, a local domestic violence resource center:

Family Place Ads

Here's Pablo from Protein Wisdom's Pub:

These ads appear on Dallas Area Regional Transit buses. They were placed there by The Family Place, a Dallas area domestic violence group. Their logic:

We designed the campaign to reach women. Our counselors tell us over and again that when mothers realize violence in the home is hurting their children, they are motivated to seek help. Dallas Police Department statistics show that more than 90% of family violence reports involve women reporting abuse from men. Year-to-date, we have provided emergency shelter to three men, 269 women and 332 children. Thus, the campaign is focused toward women—the majority of our client base.

Read the rest...

The post notes that women were more frequently the perpertrators of domestic violence than men, and a large proportion of reported cases were instances of reciprocal violence (source).

Something to think about, anyway.

See also, Glenn Sacks, "
Protest Anti-Father DART Ads."

Related: Christina Hoff Summers, "
The War Against Boys."


  1. No, Philippe. I don't think women are more evil. This is really about the progressive left's culture of victimology, and how men are said to be the main perpetrators of violence, when statistics show otherwise.

    Thanks for visiting!

  2. I'm sorry about your breakup, Philippe.

  3. I'm sure you're a wonderful father, Philippe.

  4. NoƩmie?

    Is that your daughter's name? It's beautiful.

    Noemie Emery at the Weekly Standard is one of my favorite writers.

  5. These feminist's broads need to be put in their place. Everyone knows the reason women are even on Earth is to raise children and take care of the household. In the Bible thats what it says. This is just feminist propaganda. I just can't take this sh*t anymore. I get so fed up with this hippie love everyone and everything goes, I just want choke someone out.

    Sorry I got a little carried away there. It is a femenist propaganda.

  6. Philippe and Donald I wasn't talking about your prevous comments I was talking about the article.

  7. The report that comes out of the CDC are based on what is called Common Couple Conflict. It uses the Conflict Tactics Scale which does not take into account stalking or violence/homicide that is committed after the relationship has finished (approx 25% of domestic homicides happen after the relationship has broken down with 84% of those victims being female, men are stalkers in approx 85% of cases). Common Couple Conflict happens in relationships very frequently, it usually does NOT result in homicide or serious trips to the Emergency room. The CDC report does NOT take into account sexual coercion, psychological abuse, verbal abuse such as put-downs and threats, domination tactics, financial abuse and other controlling behaviours that are the types that will lead to homicides and serious injuries requiring medical treatment. In those cases up to 95% of the perpetrators are male. Also, the report gives lip-service to 'reciprocal violence'. Let's really look at what that means. In approx 97% of cases women use violence in RESPONSE to male's violence against them. Either the violence is in direct retaliation such as self-defence, or the violence may have happened within the past 6 months, or 12 months, or as in some cases, the violence and abuse may have been perpetrated when she was a child. To compare the CDC report of Common Couple Conflict (which should come with a disclaimer BTW, about how things like domination, control and coercive tactics are not included) is not comparing apples for apples and can in fact, be taken as misleading if it's used as a defence against things such as the DART ad campaign. It is important to have the facts straight first, before using quotes from reports that centre on low-level common conflict when comparing it to the incidences of domestic homicide that result in women (and children) being murdered at a rate of 95% of being victims and 5% being perpetrators (of which some of those are in self-defence mode).

  8. Ahh, more of the wussification of the American male! Look, I wrote about this. It is pathetic that our television "real men" are all from England, Ireland and Australia. The only real American male in movies seems to be Matthew McConaghey. But, entertainment aside, I think that this is part of an assault on what it means for us to be men. There is a balance. Of course if one is a wife/girlfriend beater, he should be in jail and given some beatings by fellow prisoners. Same, if not worse for child molestors. But, men are demonized for so much without women taking some of the responsibility. A great post. But, I am afraid we will see a LOT more of this in the next four years under our overlord, Barack!

  9. The CDC report does NOT take into account sexual coercion, psychological abuse, verbal abuse such as put-downs and threats, domination tactics, financial abuse and other controlling behaviours that are the types that will lead to homicides and serious injuries requiring medical treatment. In those cases up to 95% of the perpetrators are male.

    Lynn, you are exactly the problem this post addresses. You throw your information out there without an iota of cited resources to back up your claims. As for psychological and verbal abuse et al, do you honestly think women do not engage in this type of abuse equally if not more. Oh I no, it it humor because it is a staple of programs marketed to women. You are ill informed, and a sexist bigot.
