Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Israel's Information War

The Israeli Defense Forces opened a YouTube channel to post videos of developments in the Gaza campaign. Yet it turns out that YouTube has been disabling a number of the IDF video posts, including the one below (via Israel Matzav), which shows Hamas militants loading Katyusha missiles onto a truck (and thus indicating the legitimacy of Israel's self-defense).

Here's Noah Pollack's remarks on Israel's information war:
The rank double-standard that YouTube has applied to Israel is disturbing. YouTube hosts all manner of similar footage — much of it far more gory than the grainy infrared images posted by the IDF — of U.S. air strikes. Why is YouTube capitulating to those who do not wish for Israel to be able to tell its side of the story?

UPDATE: the IDF just uploaded a new video to its channel, this one of Hamas’ headquarters going out of business. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Click here to watch.
Also, in a development that is truly freaky, Hamas has hacked into the Israpundit website, and the page redirects to a grim message warning: "HAMAZ OWNED YOU." Pamela Geller has the screen capture.

To this I remind folks to never quit the fight. This week
the Netherlands' left wing parties conceded that their policy of moral equivalence - which many see as contributing to a political environment conducive to the assassination of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh and to the threats and exile of Ayaan Hirsi Ali - has been a total failure. The parties have now formally renounced support for unconditional multicultural tolerance. As Bird Dog aptly points out, "Given enough time, Reality always wins in the end."


  1. "Hamas headquarters 'going out of business'". LOL! That's one way to put it, Donald! I hope that video stays up until my husband returns from town. I want to show it to him.

    Shame on You Tube!! Whose side are they on, anyway?

  2. You Tube, like Google, and Yahoo, are the "Retarded Arm" of Islamic Radicals and the DNC"

  3. The Live Leak video should be up for a while, Gayle!

  4. Thanks Pat. That sounds about right.

  5. Videos of IDF striking Hamas
    Here are some videos of the IDF bombing Hamas military targets. Reportedly, some of these videos have been removed from youtube.

  6. I hope these terrorists enjoy their face-to-face meeting with their creator. I like to think of it as a retroactive abortion.

  7. Lets face it, the Isreali terrorist hit a UN school today, tomorrow they will kill more, end this information war now.

    Work on Peace and work on a real thing, a state called Palestine, something so many war mongers want to deny.
