Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Remembering John Lennon (But Not Pearl Harbor)

December 7th is one of those days, like September 11th, that draws forth the deepest sentiments of history and American patriotism.

Not for everyone, it turns out.

I noticed that
Jeralyn at Talk Left has made a tradition of remembering December 8th every year, the day John Lennon was killed:

28 years ago tonight, in the middle of Monday Night Football, Howard Cosell announced there had been an "unspeakable tragedy in New York City." John Lennon had been shot. (Video here.)

This is my sixth annual blog post about that night, and how for me, it's a day of both sadness and celebration ...
As readers know, I've always loved the Beatles, but I have to separate their music from Lennon's brainless idealism (although George Harrison's Concert for Bangledesh was too hip, I must admit).

Still, I probably wouldn't complain about Jeralyn, since she was a big Hillary backer in the Democratic primaries and she seemed - throughout the election - generally less deranged than most of the whack "progressives" we see across the leftosphere. But she makes no reference to Pearl Harbor in her Sunday posting (scroll down and you'll see). Rather, there's repeated posts on "Blackwater guards" and "911 detainees," that is, all the indicators of the "fascist" reign of the evil "BushCo" regime.

Then it occured to me: All of Jeralyn's pro-Hillary centrism was mostly bull. HRC's candidacy was the ulitmate gender quota. Why support the first black when the first white woman should be first in line? That's right: The radical sisters want America to pay down the debt of historical oppression by installing the "First Lady" in the presidency. Forget "hope and change" ... it's all about "
identity politics" among leftists, so it makes sense - imagine, a sisterhood of man, and no countries on top of that, especially the hegmonic United States! NO BLOOD FOR OIL!

For those who don't worship the Church of John and Yoko, don't miss Stogie's awesome Pearl Harbor commemoration, "
Remembering Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941."


  1. Every year, if the weather is good, early evening on Dec. 8th we find our way down to Strawberry Fields in Central Park. It is right near The Dakota, where Lennon lived and was murdered. We usually find a couple of hundred other people all in large circles singing Beatle songs. In the middle of each circle would be several guitar players leading everyone. A candle memorial for John would be also set up. Last year Yoko showed up for a few moments to place some flowers on the memorial. It is a lot of fun
    singing your heart out and enjoying the crowd.

  2. Norm: That is so nice you do that, but you also love this country and can distinguish between idealism and realism.

  3. As artists the Beatles were very good but as people, well the only one who even seems human (or seemed human) was Ringo Starr.

  4. Shoprat: Ringo Starr is very much alive. I'm sure he is still human, as is Paul McCartney.

  5. Tim:

    Don't you think you're hitting below the belt a bit. Shoprat appears to be speaking of the Beatles when they were a group.
