Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Anti-Semitism Sweeps Europe, Threat is Worldwide

The Daily Mail reports on the wave of anti-Semitic attacks in Britain in response to the fighting in the Middle East. Also, Gateway Pundit links to attacks in Paris and across Europe.

The assualts are more significant than a few isolated pockets of unrest. Benjamin Netanyahu, at the Wall Street Journal, says Israel's campaign in Gaza is measured and just, and success there is vital to the preservation of freedom, for the ideology driving Militant Islam threatens all of us:

We fight to defend ourselves, but in so doing we are also fighting a fanatical ideology that seeks to reverse the course of history and throw the civilized world back into a new dark age. The struggle between militant Islam and modernity -- whether fought in Afghanistan, Iraq, India or Gaza -- will decide our common future. It is a battle we cannot afford to lose.
Hat Tip: Memeorandum.


Norm said...

Under an Obama administration these attacks will happen in the USA

AmPowerBlog said...

I hope you're wrong, Norm, but I'm not doubting it, as you know.

Norm said...

I'll be glad to say that I am wrong, however I really think that an Obama administration is going to be an amateur hour. Did you ever watch a "progressive" organization try to run itself ? Check out the history of the Pacific radio's like "Animal Farm". They are all equal but each one thinks he/she is more equal than the others. They then split down minor idealogical seams and start stabbing each other in the back. Someone is then called a "reactionary". I am going to roll on the floor laughing the first time I hear someone in the Obama administration use the term "reactionary".

The Vegas Art Guy said...

Norm, they'll just blame Bush for the attacks, you know that don't you?

Anonymous said...

Norm, not that I would expect proof here, but as you are predicting America will go anti-semitic under Obama could you please site your references? Or is this just a gut feeling?

Anti-semitism has been a staple of Europe for centuries, here not as much.

Now, do you want to know a dirty little secret? In Britain, anti-semitic attacks are 99% of the time instigated by right-wing bigots. (Jews being almost always more liberal.)

Righty64 said...

Norm, I think the hard-left is ALREADY not all that keen on President-elect Obama. I am afraid that we will see these anti-Jewish attacks here in the United States. But, unlike Europe, people here will be repulsed by these kind of attacks. I often write that if there was no Israel tomorrow, the Islamics would be fighting among themselves and we, the West, would be the collateral damage. Or conquered. Which is the Islamofacist goal.

AmPowerBlog said...

Nice story, Norm!

AmPowerBlog said...

Hi Vegas Guy: I think actually once Bush is out of the way, they'll blame Rush Limbaugh conservatives, in presparation for the next election cycle.

AmPowerBlog said...

Tim: What's going on right now is not the work of right wing bigots. That's your normal play, to argue that both sides do it. But we're way beyond that. Today's global left backs the new Nazis, militant Islamists.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Mark!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You deluded right wingers still blame Carter and Clinton for everything. And the most hardened and deluded of you go as far back as Roosevelt. Look at who's been president the last eight years guys and all he's screwed up.
Now all of line up and post your right wing code words for Bush is a lousy president. "While I don't agree with everything President Bush has done..." Then you can make up something nice about him.

Anonymous said...

Donald: With all due respect, that's absolute Ann Coulter-crap. (But I don't come here for reasoned analysis though, I just marvel at the party-line, off-base opinion that never ever does anything other than reduce complex issues down to their LCD equivalent. I digress...)

Yes, there was a woman who shouted anti-Jewish slurs in Florida. Reprehensible, no doubt. And yes, there are outraged leftists who, perhaps not wrongly, would argue that Israel responds with little regard to human life and dignity. Two wrongs, we are taught, don't make a right. But with Israel, is seems they do. But to say that all of a sudden the left is pro-Palestine and anti-Israel is ridiculous. Do you know who Vanessa Redgrave is? If not, read her bio. You will see that pro-Palestinian sentiment is nothing new to hard liners.

Hamas is a pawn in a much larger shell game in the Arab world, it isn't just because they are evil (sure, they are), it's a little more complicated than that.

You could boil it down to many things, including the ridiculous notion that Israel deserves destruction because they refuse to accept Mohammed. Once again, religion is at the root of all evil. It's my god vs. your god and we all lose.

But Norm, and Donald's hope (not prediction--you want your opinions justified) for anti-semitic attacks to be done by the left is reprehensible. I didn't say both sides do it, I said that historically, in Britain, right-wing hate attacks on the Jews were the norm. You can't hide your roots.

Norm said...

Everyone is presuming when I said attacks on Jews will happen in an Obama administration it will come from the left wing. I believe that attacks may come from the left and from the Islamic hard liners. I hope I am wrong. I just think that an Obama administration will make some people more comfortable to attacking those who they hate.
In addition, over the past few decades I have watched the hate from the right decrease and the hate from the left increase.

Anonymous said...

Norm: That is patently ridiculous. Are you implying that people will feel more comfortable committing anti-semitic attacks with Obama in office?! WTF?

Please show me where Obama or his supporters condone that, how you know this, or please STFU.

Also, according to most reports I read, right-wing hate attacks have been on the rise in Europe especially. (This report alone, the one constant is "right-wing." Like I said, you cannot escape your roots. Sorry.)

And let's not even get started on the recent lesbian gang rape by a bunch of homophobic bigots. Who, I would be willing to bet, voted YES on Prop 8.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this report:

Norm said...

Tim, that is my opinion. According to the reports that I read, Islamic thugs are attacking in France, Great Britain, Denmark and other countries.
Time will tell.

AmPowerBlog said...

Tim: Did you have a bunch of free time today to just come over to my blog and spew? Really, what's got into you? I'll respond by saying, with respect, you don't know WTF is going on.

But, that's pretty much been determined already around these comment threads ...

Anonymous said...

Donald: You get comments like this:
"Under an Obama administration these attacks will happen in the USA"

And treat it like fact, and you thank people for visiting. I call bullshit because you don't support this with any facts.

I'm OK when you stick to the rational, I get angry when I see totally whacked out neo-con rubbish spouted for its own sake.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...


Hey, take another look at those tapes. Those people who were so aggressive and hateful towards pro-Israel people standing on sidewalks were also shouting that Obama promised them "change". Thugocracy. That's what they believe Obama is legitimizing. Instead of attacking Norm. Take a look at the protestors. See how they feel vindicated by Obama and how they think they're "right" and have been emboldened in their aggression as they use his name. I'd say Norm already has factual evidence of protestors tying their aggression to Obama's leadership as if they have his endorsement... as a leading indicator.

Anonymous said...

Grace: The extreme left does get loud, and they shout, and they say hurtful things. (They've even been known to bomb empty buildings in protest.) However, they aren't known for things like hanging blacks, assassinating presidents or blowing up occupied government buildings in Oklahoma.

I don't agree with these protesters, but I do understand the outrage on both sides.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...


I think Norm's whole point is that the extreme left now has a socialist communist agitator (community organizer) in the White House... and they may feel emboldened to "act up". That's what we're seeing.

And, excuse me, they've been storming churches and expressing hate towards Christians reference Prop 8.

And Sarah Palin's church, coincidentally, was set on fire nad burned while women and children were in it. We don't know who did it, but we kinda doubt it was Christians.

I think Norm's point is well taken. How emboldened ARE the extreme left by Obama's "President-elect" status - and how "whipped up" into hate crimes will they be??

I think he's got a point. Also, I submit that 9/11 was an "incident" done by Florida Muslims - they were celled there, I believe.

Why doesn't Norm have a point?? I think he does... and we'll see what happens next.

Right or left - human nature is human nature. Now that we've got an extreme left "President elect" - we may be seeing people think they're going to get away with murder. And maybe they shall. We murder babies, don't we?? As the result of the left?? That's the worst terrorism in the USA today - and it happens every day thanks to... THE LEFT. MULTIMILLIONS DEAD... thanks to... the left and their cold, callous brutality in refusing to stop murder though they know it's murder.


Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

Ayers bombed a house with a federal judge, his wife, and his son IN IT.

Ayers is a domestic terrorist - and you justify him.

See what I mean?? You're over the edge. That's dangerous. You're legitimizing and minimizing domestic terrorism by the left.

That's insane, honestly. Something's "got a hold of you"... or you wouldn't be thinking like that, imo.

But grace to you... and I hope you'll reconsider minimizing the wrongs that Ayers did in domestic terrorism.


Anonymous said...

Grace: No, I don't support domestic terrorism. Obviously. I am, however, pointing out the ridiculousness of the argument. Ayers was (and may still be) an idiot. I can distinguish between right and wrong, and righter and wronger.

Don't worry, I am not possessed. Donald might disagree.